53 Corporate Performance: Quarter Two 2024/25 PDF 1 MB
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ORDERED that Executive:
Approve the proposed changes to the
Executive actions, detailed at Appendix One of the report.
Agree the additional metrics to assess
incremental impact of Council Plan outcomes, at Appendix Four of the report.
AGREED that Executive:
Note the progress and position of the
corporate performance disciplines, including the Transformation Portfolio.
Note delivery status of the Council Plan
2024-27 supporting workplan at Quarter Two, detailed at Appendix Two of the
Note the Strategic Risk Register, at
Appendix Three of the report.
The Mayor submitted a report for Executive’s consideration. The purpose of the report was to advise Executive of corporate performance at the end of Quarter Two 2024/2025, and where appropriate sought approval of any changes, where those were within the authority of the Executive.
The Council’s Scheme of Delegation gave the Executive collective responsibility for corporate strategic performance, together with associated action. The report provided the necessary information to enable Executive to discharge its performance management responsibilities, setting out progress against priority performance disciplines and other key associated items, together with actions to be taken to address any issued identified.
The projected financial outturn at Quarter Two 2024/2025 was presented separately at the meeting and was not repeated for this report. There were plans to integrate performance, risk, and financial reporting for future financial years.
As part of continuous improvement in performance and risk management, the Council’s Leadership Management Team (LMT) had implemented monthly reviews of corporate performance utilising a Directorate Performance dashboard, drawing data from a range of performance feeder systems.
The output from those sessions was reflected through quarterly updates to Executive and covered progress in delivering actions agreed by the Executive, key Directorate performance issues and other performance-related matters.
The Council’s overall performance at the end of Quarter Two 2024/25 maintained achievement in three of the five corporate performance disciplines as set out in the Council’s risk appetite, a similar picture to that reported at Quarter One 2024/25. Details of the performance output was detailed in the table at paragraph nine of the report.
Performance against Council Plan outcomes for Quarter Two 2024/25 was measured by tracking progress against baseline key performance indicators, as outlined in the Council Plan 2024-27 and its associated workplan. It was expected that over time, 90% of the outcome measures would be achieved.
ORDERED that Executive:
Approve the proposed changes to the
Executive actions, detailed at Appendix One of the report.
Agree the additional metrics to assess
incremental impact of Council Plan outcomes, at Appendix Four of the report.
AGREED that Executive:
Note the progress and position of the
corporate performance disciplines, including the Transformation Portfolio.
Note delivery status of the Council Plan
2024-27 supporting workplan at Quarter Two, detailed at Appendix Two of the
Note the Strategic Risk Register, at
Appendix Three of the report.
The council was required to operate a performance management framework to ensure delivery of its best value duty; to not do so would place the council at risk of failing in its statutory responsibility in this regard.
To enable the effective management of performance and
risk in line with the Council’s Local Code of Corporate Governance.