Issue - meetings

Middlesbrough Council Local Implementation Plan

Meeting: 16/02/2021 - Executive (Item 111)

111 Middlesbrough Council Local Implementation Plan (LIP) pdf icon PDF 355 KB

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The Executive Member for Regeneration and the Director of Regeneration and Culture submitted a report for the Executive’s consideration. The purpose of the report was to seek approval of the draft Local Implementation Plan (LIP) and commence public consultation.


Under the devolved powers of the Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA), there was an expectation that each Local Authority within the region produced a LIP, in line with the Strategic Transport Plan (STP) produced by TVCA.


The LIP provided the local context and content as to how the local Highway Authority (Middlesbrough Council) planned to deliver local transport priorities and initiatives to ensure delivery of the overarching objectives of the STP.


The LIP also included both Mayoral and Strategic Plan objectives; identifying the proposals that would assist in achieving those objectives simultaneously.


The draft LIP had been prepared following the STP being approved, and Middlesbrough Council was keen to gain public opinion on its approach to ensuring that the area developed its transport network appropriately.




None approval of the draft LIP - That had been rejected, as it had been developed following guidance of corporate and strategic objectives.


Approve the draft LIP without public consultation - That had been rejected as the Council was keen to understand the views of its stakeholders. That was imperative to ensure that the Council was delivering the right proposals for betterment of the local transport network.




That the draft LIP be approved and public consultation commence.




The Council was required to produce a strategy document to identify how it would improve its transport network. The draft LIP had been produced by the Transport & Infrastructure team, under the guidance of TVCA’s STP and both the Mayor’s strategy and Council’s Strategic Plan.


The LIP contained potentially contentious proposals, and it was required that it was approved by Executive prior to placing it within the public domain.


The Council was keen to gauge the views of its stakeholders prior to adopting the proposed methodology. As a result, approval was required from the Executive prior to commencing public consultation on inappropriate proposals.