Issue - meetings

Tender Pipeline Approval 2021/22

Meeting: 13/04/2021 - Executive (Item 138)

138 Tender Pipeline Approval 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 350 KB

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The Executive Member for Finance and Governance and the Director of Finance submitted a report for the Executive’s consideration. The purpose of the report was to request approval of Middlesbrough Council’s tender pipeline for 2021/22 and agree delegation of award to the relevant Director, in consultation with their Executive Member.


A tender pipeline for April 2021 to 31 March 2022 had been developed as part of the Council’s work programme. In order to strengthen governance over procurement, it was requested that the Executive agreed the intended procurement activity and delegated authority for contract award to the relevant Director, in consultation with their Executive Member.


Whilst a tender pipeline had never previously been presented, the Specialist Commissioning and Procurement Senior Manager wanted to further strengthen internal governance arrangements.


The tender pipeline would be a live record which would be maintained by the Commissioning and Procurement Team and available for the supplier market to view on the Council’s website.


In the event that new tenders were added during the year, then individual Executive reports would be presented.




That the tender pipeline for 2021/22 be approved, including the delegation of responsibility for award to the relevant Director in consultation with their Executive Member.




To further strengthen governance arrangements for procurement activity undertaken by the Council.