Issue - meetings

Recycling and Education Report

Meeting: 16/03/2021 - Executive (Item 126)

126 Improve Recycling Rates and Participation across Middlesbrough pdf icon PDF 349 KB

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The Executive Member for Environment and the Director of Environment and Community Services submitted a report for the Executive’s consideration. The purpose of the report was to seek approval for the implementation of a Recycling Education and Communications Plan.


To enable Middlesbrough Council to improve recycling there was a need to change residents’ behaviours/attitudes towards recycling.


Key milestones were to be incorporated into the plan, to enable a measurement of performance against the intended outcomes:

·        develop a communications and marketing plan by June 2021;

·        develop an education plan to raise awareness of recycling across Middlesbrough by June 2021;

·        develop a plan to work with education establishments commencing July 2021;

·        begin working with schools on Waste Minimisation and Recycling commencing September 2021; and

·        to have an active schools environmental sustainability programme with all schools by July 2023.


The Council planned to embark on a substantial education and awareness programme where it would look to work with external stakeholders to assist them in forming relevant/practical solutions to improve their recycling rates.


To go alongside the education programme, the Council planned to undertake a comprehensive communications and marketing plan.


In response to a Member’s query, it was advised that regular updates would be provided to councillors on waste and recycling statistics.




That the proposal for an Education and Communications Plan, to increase recycling across Middlesbrough, be approved.




The proposed changes planned to support the Council’s Green Strategy and therefore aid achieving a Net Carbon Neutral status by 2029. It would improve the Council’s current recycling rate toward the current Government target of 50% by 2020. NB, the Government was currently reviewing that target as part of the resource waste strategy. It would also embed the vision of the Council to be the lead authority on all environmental issues.