Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday 30th March, 2022 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Bernie Carr 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.


There were no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting.


Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 26 January 2022 and Budget Council Meeting - 23 February 2022 pdf icon PDF 402 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes of the Council meetings held on 26 January and 23 February 2022 were submitted and approved as a correct record.




To receive and consider any communications from the Chair, Mayor, Executive Members or Chief Executive (if any).



The Chair read out a prepared statement in relation to the submission of Executive Member reports.


The Chair advised that the Executive reports were a useful source to identify what activities were taking place in each service area. They also provided information with regard to the work of Executive members and they assisted in answering queries from residents’ about projects or works that were being undertaken within individual members’ wards. 


Questions from Members of the Public (if any).


There were no valid questions submitted from members of the public for this meeting.


Mayor's Statement and Report


The Mayor advised that he was feeling positive following meetings with potential investors in the town.


The Mayor announced that the Rugby League World Cup was due to take place at the Riverside Stadium. He urged the public to ensure that the stadium was full. The Mayor stated that the fact that the match was being held at the Riverside could inspire children to take part in sports.


Two new office blocks were currently being constructed, one at the former Melrose House building and Boho X. The Mayor advised that both blocks had already secured tenants and this would bring jobs to the town. The Heads of Terms had been signed some time ago for the Boho X building and the lease was due to be signed in the near future.


The Mayor announced, that following years of dereliction in the Gresham area, the Thirteen Group were back on site, building homes and volunteers were cleaning the alleyways in the area.


New housing was also currently being built opposite the Captain Cook public house, and the first sixty homes were due to be completed in the next two months.


The Mayor referred to the leisure facility due to open in Captain Cook Square, which included a bowling and Go-Kart facility, Indoor golf and the facility to host live music and comedy.


The Mayor stated that the original plan for Centre Square Building 1 which had cost £20m to erect, was for officers of the Council to occupy the building. The building was now fully occupied by a tenant. The top floor of Building 2 was currently let to XPS and the second floor was let to GP Bank. The ground floor was currently occupied, mainly by a chamber of barristers.


The Mayor advised that in terms of the production of Executive reports, previously officers had spent a long time producing reports for politicians to read at Council. He advised that he was reviewing how the Executive would connect with members and the public.


A new on-line facility would be introduced which would allow members and the public to submit a question to an Executive Member and the details of the question and the response would be published online within 10 working days.


The Mayor stated that he planned to invite Executive Members to speak at Council to advise Members of any activity that was occurring in respect of their individual portfolios. The Mayor advised that the Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Children’s Services would provide members at this meeting with an overview of the current situation in respect of Children’s Services and the Executive Member for Neighbourhood Safety would discuss issues regarding crime and neighbourhood safety.


The Chair announced that given that the Mayor had raised the issue of Executive Member reports, it would be appropriate for Councillor Uddin to pose his question with regard to the production of Executive Member reports.


Councillor Uddin put his question to the Mayor regarding Executive Member reports.


The Mayor stated that any  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21/112


Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Board pdf icon PDF 264 KB


The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board submitted a report that provided an update on the current position regarding progress made by the Overview and Scrutiny Board and each of the individual Scrutiny Panels.


The Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Board stated that all Executive Members were invited to the Board to provide a comprehensive overview of the Executive Member’s aims and aspirations, progress made to date and to highlight any emerging issues relating to their portfolios, but it was still important for Council to receive Executive Member reports.


ORDERED that the report be noted.


Urgent Items

To consider and Deal with any urgent business brought before the Council by the Proper Officer (if any).



There were no Urgent items submitted within the specified deadlines for this meeting.


Members' Question Time pdf icon PDF 184 KB


The Chair announced that there were now only three questions from Members of the Council, as Question 12/2021 had been dealt with under the Mayor’s report agenda item. The details of the specific questions were included at Agenda Item 11.


In response to Question 9/2021 - Councillor Branson to the Mayor in relation to bus services, the Mayor stated the following:


·                  Middlesbrough Council recently approved the decision to formally sign up to the region’s imminent Bus Service Improvement Plan.

·                  This would cover a number of key themes such as improvements to infrastructure, punctuality and ticketing offers for young people.

·                  It was envisaged that along with this plan, and the Council’s own funding there would be local schemes to focus on issues that would improve bus journeys and make them a more viable alternative for people.

·                  The Council’s strategies had sustainable modes of transport at their heart and the Council would keep pursuing those.


In response to Question 10/2021 - Councillor Furness to Councillor Polano with regard to the ongoing trend and decline in footfall and trade given the current economic climate of high Inflation, Councillor Polano stated the following: 


The Council was trying to change the offer in the town centre and move away from being so reliant on retail. As things were becoming more expensive, the existing retailers would find life harder and the Council would do what they could to help them. The Council had expert commercial asset managers in place (Praxis) for both centres, and they were experienced at managing through difficult times. The Council’s financial projections for the centres had not been built on ‘best case scenarios’ so they did have some ability to withstand any shocks. The Council would however hope to retain as much of the current offer as they could.


In response to Question 11/2021 - Councillor Furness to Councillor Polano with regard to landlord licensing, Councillor Polano stated the following:


There were certain legal criteria which had to be met to designate an area for selective licensing. They included a high proportion of property in the private rented sector, low housing demand, significant and persistent problems caused by anti-social behaviour and poor property conditions. In relation to future roll out the Council was currently preparing a proposal document for the Newport 2 area which would be submitted to Executive for approval prior to a consultation exercise being carried out? After this scheme was implemented the Council was planning to review areas for potential future schemes based on the legal criteria.


In North Ormesby there was currently 894 licensable properties. To date, 606 properties had applied for their licence. 


In Newport 1, there was 1166 licensable properties. To date, 1158 properties had applied for their licence.


Work was still ongoing in both areas to licence the properties. Legal action could be taken if the property owner did not apply for a licence, although this had only been necessary in a small number of cases.


Notice of Motions pdf icon PDF 83 KB


Consideration was given to Motion No. 152, moved by Councillor M Storey and seconded by Councillor Dean of which notice had been given in accordance with Council Procedure Rules No. 53-60 as follows:


“Middlesbrough Council recognises and sends its congratulations to Her Majesty the Queen on reaching 70 years on the throne.


The Platinum Jubilee is an opportunity for people to pay tribute and thank the Queen for leading Britain. In her 70 years as monarch she has been a calming and reassuring presence to the people of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth. It is also an opportunity for people to reflect on the changes that have occurred during her long reign.


This Council therefore takes this opportunity to recognise her longevity and hard work on behalf of the country in her time as sovereign”.


The Chair invited Members to speak on the motion.


Councillor Furness commented on the grants available towards community events for the Queen's Jubilee celebration taking place over the long Bank Holiday weekend (Thursday 2 June to Sunday 5 June 2022).


Councillor Arundale stated that he was one of many who had sworn allegiance to the Queen. He stated that the Queen was a wonderful asset to the country and he would be supporting the proposed motion.


Councillor Smiles stated that the Queen had given extraordinary service to the country. The grants scheme was a wonderful way in which to help residents and communities to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. Councillor Smiles advised that she would be supporting the motion.


Councillor Dean stated that the Queen had done a wonderful job over the last 70 years. Lots of communities and residents had secured funding through the Council’s scheme to enable them to hold parties to celebrate the event.


Councillor M Storey advised that the Queen had visited the area a number of times. The first visit was in 1956. In 1977, the Queen visited Tees Dock as part of her Silver Jubilee celebrations.  In 1993, the Queen visited Pallister Park and in 2012, the Queen had visited the Tees Barrage. Councillor Storey stated that the grants scheme was a fantastic way of enabling residents to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee.


The Chair invited the Monitoring Officer to conduct a vote on the motion.


The motion was put to the vote.


On a vote being taken the motion was declared unanimously CARRIED.



Notice of Urgent Motions (if any)


There were no Notice of Urgent Motions submitted within the specified deadlines for this meeting.


Council Diary Report pdf icon PDF 292 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Environment, Finance and Governance and the Director of Legal and Governance Services submitted a report, the purpose of which was to agree the timetable of meetings for the Municipal Year 2022/2023.


The Director of Legal and Governance Services advised that the dates contained within the timetable were tentative, and could be subject to change.


Following a vote, it was:


ORDERED as follows:


(i)               That the timetable of meetings for the Municipal Year 2022/2023, as detailed in the Appendix to the report, be approved.


(ii)              That, with the exception of the following, the dates for ordinary meetings of the Council be designated as meetings at which questions will be taken from members of the public:


· Budget/Council Tax Setting Meetings – 27 February and 8 March 2023

· Wednesday 24 May 2023 (Annual Meeting).


Vacancies on Committees Report pdf icon PDF 283 KB


Council received a report which sought nominations for appointment, following resignations from Committees and the freeing up of places on scrutiny panels, vacated as a result of members being appointed to the Executive.


The report included a list of current vacancies on various committees and nominations were put forward at the meeting by individual members.


ORDERED that the following vacancies allocated in accordance with the wishes of the political groups, be approved by Council:


Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel


1 Vacancy – Open to all Councillors - No nominations - Deferred


Children and Young Peoples’ Learning Scrutiny Panel


1 Vacancy – Councillor C Hobson appointed


Durham Darlington Teesside Hambleton Richmondshire and Whitby (DDTHRW) STP Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee


1 Vacancy – Councillor J Hobson appointed



Economic Development, Environment and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel


1 Vacancy – Councillor J Hobson appointed



Health Scrutiny Panel


1 Vacancy – Councillor M Saunders appointed



Chair of Health Scrutiny Panel


1 Vacancy – Councillor D Davison appointed


South Tees Health Scrutiny Committee


1 Vacancy – Councillor Dodds appointed



Tees Valley Health Scrutiny Committee


1 Vacancy – Open to all Councillors - No nominations - Deferred



Overview and Scrutiny Board


1 Vacancy - Councillor Hubbard appointed



Corporate Parenting Board


1 Vacancy - Councillor Dodds appointed


Vice-Chair of Corporate Parenting Board (must be a member of Corporate Parenting Board)


1 Vacancy – Councillor Davison appointed



Planning and Development Committee


1 Vacancy – Councillor Davison appointed