Agenda and minutes

Culture and Communities Scrutiny Panel - Thursday 10th February, 2022 1.00 pm

Venue: Virtual

Contact: Susie Blood 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.


There were no Declarations of Interest received at this point in the meeting.


Minutes - Culture and Communities Scrutiny Panel - 16 December 2021 pdf icon PDF 433 KB


The minutes of the Culture and Communities Scrutiny Panel held on 16 December 2021 were submitted and approved as a correct record.



Locality working pdf icon PDF 1004 KB

The following officers/ representatives will be in attendance to provide the Panel with an overview of locality working and the impact this has had in the community towards crime and anti-social behavior.


Adam Parkinson- Senior Neighbourhood Development Manager


Melanie Boyce Neighbourhood Safety Officer. 


Kim May Streets Ahead


Councillor Chris Cooke – Ward Councillor for Newport Ward


Sgt Steve Pattison- Cleveland Police



The Chair welcome Adam Parkinson, Senior Neighbourhood Development Manager to the meeting along with fellow colleagues from the Council, Streets Ahead and Cleveland Police to provide an overview of locality working and its impact on local communities.


The Panel members were advised of the purpose of locality working:


Locality working involves a system change to the current operational delivery model across Council services. It seeks to achieve joined-up systems and reconfigure relationships between statutory organisations, partners and the community. It will involve developing collaborative approaches to address the underlying causes of community problems and build capacity within the community in order for residents to take charge of their own future, to have a strong voice and to build social capital and connections within the community. It was agreed that Locality Working would commence with two pilots in North Ormesby and Newport


The Manager outlined that one of the main aspects of locality working was to provide communities with a strong voice and to allow joint working with a specific area to tackle issues.


The two pilot schemes commenced in April 2020 and would run for 2 years.

A business case was drawn up at the beginning of the pilot for each area and the Manager provided information surrounding this:


Business Case

The Newport Ward is the 5th most deprived ward in Middlesbrough moving from the 123rd most deprived ward nationally in 2007 to the 38th most deprived ward in 2015.


The North Ormesby Ward is the most deprived ward in Middlesbrough and the 2nd most deprived ward in England. Newport had the 3rd highest number of recorded Racially Motivated crimes with only Central and North Ormesby having more. With all three wards having more than double the Middlesbrough average per 1,000 population.


In addition, these wards had the highest level of antisocial behaviour per 1,000 population in 2018/19. Newport Ward had the 2nd highest rate of female victims of violent crime per 1,000 population in 2018/19 with only North Ormesby having more. When looking at alcohol related hospital admissions to James Cook University Hospital, Newport Ward had the 3rd highest number of admissions in 2018/19 and in the previous year it was 2nd highest. When looking at alcohol and substance related ambulance pick-up data, Newport Ward had the 3rd highest level of recorded pick-ups with only North Ormesby and Central having higherlevels. When looking at incidents reported to Middlesbrough Council in 2019, Newport Ward had the highest number of low level antisocial behaviour and environmental crimes and 2nd highest level of fly-tipping.


From consultation, and data, a number of high level objectives were put in place for each area:


·         Healthier population

·         People feel safe

·         Increase satisfaction in environmental standards

·         Improve perception of community cohesion

·         Improve physical appearance of neighbourhood

·         Improve customer experience (Council and partners)

·         Build Community Capacity

·         Improve economic outcomes

·         Better outcomes for children


The Panel were made aware that each objective was tracked through 7 overarching action plans in each locality and has an assigned officer.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21/20


Chair's OSB Update

The Chair will provide a verbal update from the meeting held on 18 January 2022.


The Chair provided a verbal update from the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting held on 18 January 2022.


AGREED- That the update be noted.


Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered.


The next meeting of the scrutiny panel would be held on 10 March 2022.