Venue: Virtual
Contact: Susie Blood
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no Declarations of Interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes - Culture and Communities Scrutiny Panel - 19 May 2022 Minutes: The minutes of the Culture and Communities Scrutiny Panel held on 19 May 2022 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Overview of Service Areas 2022/23 Richard Horniman, Director of Regeneration and Culture and Geoff
Field, Director of Environment and Community Services will be in attendance to provide
the panel with an overview of their service areas and to discuss the key
priorities for 2022/23. Minutes: The Chair welcome to the
panel to the first meeting of the municipal year and advised that as per normal
procedures, the panel would be provided with an overview from the Directors
regarding their service areas. The Chair firstly welcomed
the Director of Regeneration and Culture, who providing the following
information: ● The Director was
responsible for the Regeneration and Culture Directorate. ● In terms of Regeneration,
this comprised of Economic growth, Infrastructure, Planning, Capital Projects,
Design Services and Housing, community learning, and Culture. Culture was
within regeneration as a lot of its aims was improving the towns
image, helping the economy to grow etc. ● In terms of what the
Culture service comprises; Middlesbrough runs a number of venues - encompassing
the Town Hall, Middlesbrough Theatre and Newham Grange Leisure Farm, which act
on a commercial basis. Museums, namely the Dorman and the Captain Cook
Birthplace Museum and Open Spaces including Stewart and Albert Parks. The next
focus is developing the Dorman museum, where there is a capital programme being
undertaken. ● Cultural Services also
covering a range of events including the Orange Pip Market and Christmas events
such as the Reindeer Parade. The Director also advised that there would be a
number of new events next year. It also contributed to events such as the Mela and Discover Middlesbrough. ● The service
also oversees the delivery of the contract with Sports and Leisure Management
(trading as Everyone Active) as well as playing field provision. ● The Service was also
responsible for Teesside Archives, which operates from the old county Cleveland
partners, which has recently moved to its new home at the Dorman museum. ● Lastly, within Cultural
Services, they operate Arts Development, consisting of arts and music projects
and this is where the service find it easiest to secure external funding. In
terms of 2022/23 priorities, the Director outlined that there were a number of
targets for culture to achieve. Within the Strategic plan, the priorities were as follows: •
Every child playing
a musical instrument- programme being expanded at present •
Improve Thorntree
and Pallister Parks (through the Town’s fund) •
Increased ticket sales and
attendances of events (all ticket sales are tracked) •
Complete improvements to Teesaurus Park (to be completed as soon as possible) •
Create three new annual events in
2022 (being scoped and will be launched in due course) •
All children to get an experience of
live theatre (funding pending) •
Increase attendance at existing
Council events •
Increase visitor numbers to museums
and attractions •
Increase tickets sales for Town Hall
performances The
Director finally provided some examples of cultural activities, including
events in Teesaurus Park, Middlesbrough Cultural
capital investment prospectus and he also advised that Middlesbrough has
secured £4.2million through the Cultural development fund that will enable a
number of cultural developments to be progressed, including the redevelopment
of central library, to be more focused on children’s literature. Following the presentation, the panel made a number of comments, especially in relation to the Cleveland Show being reinstated. ... view the full minutes text for item 22/3 |
Setting the Panel's work programme 2022/23 The Panel is
asked to discuss and decide on the work programme for 2022/23. Minutes: The Chair introduced the Democratic Services officer to
present the report, the purpose of which was to assist Members of the Panel to
consider and agree its work programme for the 2021-2022 Municipal Year. 1.
Scrambling bikes, illegal quad bikes and e-scooters-
what enforcement is in place/ has operation kickstart
been rolled out to other areas of Cleveland? 2.
impact of private rented properties on areas of owner occupied properties-what
can be done to mitigate negative effects. The following updates would also be provided: 1. Future High street fund 2. Surveillance Policy 3. Preventing Terrorism 4.
Safety Partnership 5. Cohesion/ Asylum Seekers and support for
Ukraine families. 6. Previous scrutiny review – Cultural
events The panel also expressed an interest to visiting the new Art School as part of the wider Cultural
programme.. AGREED that: 1. The
information provided was received and noted. 2. The
topics and reviews listed above, would be submitted to the Overview and
Scrutiny Board for approval. |
Proposed meeting schedule 2022/23 Minutes: A proposed schedule of meeting
dates for the Culture and Communities Scrutiny Panel for the 2022-2023
Municipal Year was submitted for the Panel's consideration. AGREED that
the proposed meeting dates for 2022-2023 were approved. |
Chair's OSB Update The Chair
will provide a verbal update in realtion to the issues raised at the Overview
and Scrutiny Board held on 22 June 2022. Minutes: The Chair
provided a verbal update on the discussion raised at the Overview and Scrutiny
Board on 22 June 2022. AGREED-
That the update be noted. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. |