Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Joanne McNally
No. | Item |
Procedure Note for Staff Appeals Committee PDF 7 KB Minutes: The Chair
reaffirmed the procedure to be followed at the meeting, a copy of which had
been circulated to all representatives. |
Minutes of the Staff Appeal Committee held on 1 December 2020 PDF 11 KB Minutes: The minutes of the Staff Appeals Committee meeting held on 1 December 2020 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Exclusion of Press and Public To consider passing a Resolution Pursuant to Section 100A (4) Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1972 excluding the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following items on the grounds that if present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information falling within paragraphs 1, of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Minutes: ORDERED that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for
the following items on the grounds that, if present, there would be disclosure
to them of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A
of the Local Government Act 1972 and that the public interest in maintaining
the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information. |
Case Reference AD/04/20 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an appeal, case reference AD/04/20, in respect of the outcome of a grievance under the Grievance Policy. A statement of case from the Management Representative and the Appellant’s had been circulated to all parties concerned prior to the meeting. The Appellant’s presented their case and responded to questions asked by the Management Representative and Members of the Committee. The Management Representative presented the Council’s case and responded to questions asked by the Appellant’s and Members of the Committee. Following the summing up of the cases by the Appellant’s and Management Representative both parties withdrew from the meeting. The Legal Representative, Human Resources Advisor and Democratic Services Officers remained whilst the Committee determined the appeal. The Committee invited the Appellant’s and Management Representative back to the meeting room for the announcement of the Committee’s decision, details of which would be confirmed in writing to the Appellant’s by the Legal Services Representative. ORDERED: that, having give full consideration to all of the evidence presented, the appeal against the outcome of a grievance under the Grievance Policy would not be upheld. |