Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Georgina Moore
No. | Item | ||||||
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Minutes - Children and Young People's Learning Scrutiny Panel - 21 February 2022 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of
the Children and Young People’s Learning Scrutiny Panel held on 21 February
2022 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) - Further Evidence Officers will be in attendance to provide evidence in respect of the
increasing demands across the Local Area, including details/information on: ·
pressures across Education, Health and Social Care with regards to children and
young people with SEND and those at risk of exclusion; ·
and ·
future pressures. Minutes: The Council’s
Head of Inclusion, Assessment and Review; the Head of Resources for the
Inclusion and Specialist Support Service (ISSS) and the Head of Service for
Children with Disabilities were in attendance to provide evidence in respect of
the increasing demands across the Local Area. Information
was presented to the scrutiny panel that detailed: ·
the pressures across education, health and
social care with regards to children and young people with SEND and those at
risk of exclusion; ·
the mitigation measures and strategies that
had been introduced/implemented; ·
the wider system impacts; and ·
future pressures. The Head of
Inclusion, Assessment and Review advised that work was regularly undertaken
with schools. It was commented that, given the increasing demand in the local
area, schools and settings were under pressure to meet the needs of children
and young people with SEND and those who were at risk of exclusion. Schools
were experiencing high levels of Covid-19 infection rates, which was causing a
high level of staff absence and impacting on the key training and development
of staff members. It was added that schools were experiencing children across
all year groups who were struggling due to the impact of the pandemic. Schools had
experienced pressures due to the lack of families accessing universal health
services during lockdowns, such the School Nursing Service and Health Visiting
Service. As a result, some children’s needs had not been identified and
addressed prior to them starting school. There had been
an increase in demand for the Local Authority’s Inclusion and Outreach Model.
In addition, sufficiency issues had been encountered for children with SEND and
for those who had been excluded. There was an unpredictable demand for school
places for children with SEND and schools were struggling to manage and meet
the needs of those children within the school setting. In order to
manage the increasing demand, the following mitigation measures were outlined: ·
The Local Authority was challenging and
supporting schools to reduce the number of exclusions, which was currently a
key area of focus for the organisation. ·
A specialist project had been set up with two
secondary schools, in partnership with key agencies, such as Cleveland Police
and colleagues across Children’s Services. The project planned to focus on
those children who were known to multiple services, with an aim to understand
how services were coordinated and delivered to support the child or young
person and their family. The work planned to ensure that the needs of the child
or young person were met and seamless support was being provided. ·
The Local Authority had been working to
develop a training offer for schools, to upskill staff members and enable them
to meet the needs of children. The training package included the Education,
Health and Care Assessment (EHCA) process and information on accessing
additional resources and funding. ·
The Local Authority was working in
partnership with health services to resolve the issues regarding access to
universal services and some specialist services. · The enhanced Inclusion and Outreach Model was introduced in January 2022. ... view the full minutes text for item 21/51 |
Overview and Scrutiny Board - An Update The Chair will present a verbal update on the matters that were
considered at the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 22
February 2022. Minutes: The Chair advised that on 22 February 2022, the
Overview and Scrutiny Board had considered: ·
the Executive
Forward Work Programme; ·
an update from
the Executive Member for Culture and Communities; ·
an update from
the Chief Executive; ·
updates from the
Scrutiny Chairs; ·
the Revenue and
Capital Budget - Projected Outturn position as at Quarter Three 2021/22; and ·
the Corporate Performance Update at Quarter Three
2021/22. NOTED |