Venue: Mandela Room
Contact: Joanne McNally, 01642 728329
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Minutes - Planning and Development Committee - 11 July 2024 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on 11 July 2024 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Schedule of Remaining Planning Applications to be Considered by Committee Schedule – Page 13 Item 1 – Land off Stokesley Road, Nunthorpe – Page 15 Item 2 – 36 Nuneaton Drive, Hemlington – Page 47 Item 3 – Site of former Southlands Centre – Page 59 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of
Planning submitted plans deposited as applications to develop land under the
Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Members were
advised that planning permission was sought for the construction of a gospel
hall with associated car parking area and landscaping on the land at the
southern end of the allocated Nunthorpe Grange housing site. Members heard that
following a consultation exercise, objections and other representations were
received from 120 addresses, as well as the Nunthorpe Parish Council and a Ward
Councillor. The Head of Planning advised
that since the publication of the report 147 letters of support had been
received. The Head of
Planning stated that there were 3 areas for the Members to consider principle
of development, design and highways. In relation to the
principle of development members were advised that the application site was
located in south Middlesbrough and related to an area of land identified as
part of the wider ‘Land at Nunthorpe, south of Guisborough Road’ housing allocation.
Policies H1, H10, H11, H29 and H31 collectively allocated the site for
residential development and were relevant to this application. As the proposed
development regards the construction of a place of worship, it was considered
to represent a departure from the adopted Development Plan although the use is
acceptable but would need to achieve a high-quality design as the site is in a
key prominent location local development should reflect this. Members were
informed that Paragraph 135 of the National Planning Policy Framework stated
that ‘planning decisions should ensure that developments would function well
and add to the overall quality of the area; are visually attractive as a result
of good architecture, layout and appropriate landscaping; are sympathetic to
local character, including the surrounding built environment and landscape
setting; and, establish a strong sense of place, using building types and
materials to create attractive and distinctive places to visit’. Members were advised that officers did not
feel that the quality of the design was of a quality expected in this location
and that the quality was not sufficient to justify approval. In terms of
highways Members were advised that there would be a high level of usage every
third Sunday of the month the increased usage would be localised and would
potentially be for 10-15 minutes before and after each service it was advised
that this would be on the margins of acceptability. No restrictions would be in place so impacts
could be outside of these times it was advised that whilst restrictions could
be placed these would not be considered acceptable in terms of planning and
would fail to meet the required tests. The development
proposals indicated that a total of 284 car spaces were proposed consisting of 163 hard surfaced spaces plus 121 Grasscrete spaces. It was advised that a typical Interchange Meeting currently attracted 800 worshippers and based upon the car occupancy levels provided (3.4 ... view the full minutes text for item 24/16 |
Applications Approved by the Head of Planning Minutes: The Head of
Planning submitted details of planning applications which had been approved to
date in accordance with the delegated authority granted to him at Minute 187
(29 September 1992). |
Planning Performance Q1 (Apr-Jun) 2024/25 Minutes: The Head of Planning updated members on the performance of the
Planning Service during the first quarter of 2024/25. The update outlined a number of key
performance measures for the Planning Service, in particular focusing on those
measures against which a Local Planning Authority’s performance is measured
against government targets. Members were advised that the Service performed above national
performance targets. Overall the number of planning applications submitted fell
significantly following the creation of the Middlesbrough Development
Corporation. During the last quarter this fell further with a decrease in 10%
(from 87 to 76 applications) submitted over the previous quarter. This was also reflected in the continued
decline in the number of applications determined during the period, but was to
be expected given the decline in applications submitted. There had been a significant increase in the performance of the service
with regards to enforcement activity.
The number of enforcement cases had remained at consistent levels over
the last three quarters, with a marked increase in the closure of cases during
the last quarter, and an increase in the number of enforcement notices being
served. This had resulted in a 10%
decrease in the number of outstanding cases.
The level of outstanding cases remained at an unsustainable high
level. Members were advised that the
principal cause of enforcement complaints remained as unauthorised works for
example works being undertaken without securing the necessary planning
permissions. |
Planning Reforms Minutes: In agreement with the Chair this item was deferred to the next meeting of the Planning and Development Committee. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. |