Agenda and minutes

Planning and Development Committee - Friday 7th October, 2022 1.30 pm

Venue: Mandela Room

Contact: Georgina Moore 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


Name of Member

Type of Interest

Item/Nature of Interest

Councillor D Branson


Agenda Item 5, Item 1 - Grey Towers Village, acquaintance of an objector

Councillor D Coupe


Agenda Item 5, Item 1 - Grey Towers Village, acquaintance of an objector

Councillor J Hobson


Agenda Item 5, Item 1 - Grey Towers Village, Ward Councillor



Minutes - Planning and Development Committee - 2 September 2022 pdf icon PDF 484 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on 2 September 2022 were submitted and approved as a correct record.



Schedule of Remaining Planning Applications to be Considered by Committee pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Schedule - Page 15

Item 1 - Grey Towers Village - Page 17

Additional documents:


The Head of Planning submitted plans deposited as applications to develop land under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


22/0240/FUL Retrospective alterations to retaining wall increasing the height/face of the wall and approval of facing materials at Grey Towers Village, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough for Barratt David Wilson Homes - North East


Full details of the planning application and the plan status were outlined in the report. The report contained a detailed analysis of the application and analysed relevant policies from the National Planning Policy Framework and the Local Development Framework.


The Head of Planning advised that the site was located within the Grey Towers development site, which was currently under construction. The site was located along the northern edge of the wider Grey Towers site and to the south of Brass Castle Lane and the existing hedgerow that separated the site from the road. To the east, south and west was the housing development site. To the north was an existing residential estate.


Retrospective permission was sought to make changes to an approved retaining wall and to agree the finishing materials used in the construction of the wall. The height of the wall appeared greater than approved, due to changes to the ground level at the base of the wall to the north. The ground levels at the top of the wall were in accordance with the approved plans.


A number of objections related specifically to the appearance of the wall due to the materials that had been used, namely the black/grey stones. Whilst the wall was currently visible in a couple of locations along Brass Castle Lane, the proposed landscape scheme aimed to significantly reduce and soften the appearance of the wall and the stones used in its construction. Evergreen Ivy climbers were proposed, those would climb the wall to mask it. In addition, the Ivy would be supported by a 50/50 Holly (also evergreen) and a Birch hedgerow to be planted in front of the wall.


As a result of the landscape scheme, the materials used in the construction of the wall would become screened at differing times of the year, and as landscaping became more established. Therefore, visually, the colour of the stones used in the wall was considered to have limited impact within the area. The additional planting also had added benefits for biodiversity at the site and planned to provide further habitat for wildlife.


A number of comments had been received regarding the safety of users. The installation of railings was proposed above the retaining wall, which were in keeping with those approved on the wider housing development. The railings planned to provide a physical barrier to ensure the safety of residents.


The application had been previously considered by the Planning and Development Committee on 2 September 2022. At that meeting, the committee had agreed to defer the application in order to seek responses in respect of a number of questions/statements. A section of the submitted report included responses to the matters raised (see  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22/10


Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered.


Weekly Planning Lists


A Member highlighted the importance of elected members receiving email notification of the weekly planning lists. In response, the Head of Planning advised that at the present time, due to demands and increasing workloads, the department was unable to action the request. It was commented that Members were able to access the weekly lists via the planning portal.




Nutrient Neutrality


A Member queried whether applicants had encountered delays, as a result of the guidance published by Natural England in respect of nutrient neutrality. In response, the Head of Planning advised the impact of the guidance was being effectively managed and the department was working closely with applicants to identify mitigations.


It was advised that recent Government plans aimed to place a new legal duty on water companies in England to tackle the long-term issue of nutrient pollution.