Venue: Virtual
Contact: Scott Bonner
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes - Health Scrutiny Panel - 1 November 2021 Minutes: The minutes of the Health Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 1 November were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Health Inequalities - Tees Valley Regeneration Initiatives The Chair
of the Tees Valley Local Enterprise Partnership will be in attendance to provide
information about how the Local Enterprise Partnership can contribute to
reducing health inequalities. Minutes: The Chair
advised that, due to the unavailability of the Chair of the Tees Valley LEP,
this item would be deferred to a future meeting. |
Opioid Dependency - Update Representatives
from Public Health will be in attendance to provide an update on progress made
following the panel’s investigation into Opioid dependency. Minutes: The Chair introduced representatives from the Council’s
Public Health Department and Foundations Medical Practice to provide an update
on actions relating to the Panel’s report into opioid dependency. The Panel heard there was a significantly higher death rate
relating to drug misuse in the North East than in other English regions. Based
on 2018-20 figures Hartlepool and Middlesbrough had two of the highest rates
for drug misuse or poisoning deaths, with only Blackpool showing higher
figures. The latest provisional data for alcohol related deaths
showed there had been a significant increase in deaths from alcohol causes
between 2019 and 2020. Indeed, while the data was needed validating it was
possible alcohol related deaths in 2020 increased by 66% which equated to
approximately 100 people. Although there were complex factors to explain this,
government data showed alcohol consumption had undoubtedly increased since the
covid-19 pandemic. The Clinical Partner from Foundations Practice explained
that Foundations Medical Practice was a specialist practice that supported
individuals suffering from substance misuse, especially through the Heroin
Assisted Treatment project (HAT). The programme was created in light of
Middlesbrough’s high drug related deaths and drug related harms. While the main
treatment was methadone between five and 10 percent of individuals in receipt
of this failed to benefit from it. Failure to benefit from such treatment often
led to individuals being trapped in a cycle of criminal activity. It was noted that participation in programmes like HAT
required significant commitment both to receive and maintain treatment. However,when individuals did so
they could link in with other care coordinators to address any other complex
needs they may have, including mental and physical health needs. The Pane heard HAT had been operating for two years since
October 2019 and was funded for 10 individuals and that the programme was full.
The Panel was shown a walkthrough video of the clinic and how treatments were
administered. The programme had been independently evaluated by the
University of Teesside and was undergoing evaluation by Durham University and
the London School of Tropical Medicine to understand the programme’s impact.
The results of the evaluation will be available in April 2022 however preliminary
results showed a high level attendance and that regular attendance benefitted
participants everyday lives. The programme had seen full engagement by participants who
had also benefited from other, non-compulsory, enhancements such as psychosocial
interventions. Overall, participants reported significant improvements in
their mood, psychological health, mental health and social situations with some
having been street homeless prior to engaging with the programme. As a result of the programme there had been a 60% reduction
in criminal behaviour as well as a reduction in the median crime severity score
with anecdotal evidence from the Police to support this. The Panel was shown examples of similar successful
facilities in different parts of Europe and heard some had been operating for
20 years with no drug related fatalities despite the number of injections that
took place within them. The Panel heard several other projects and ... view the full minutes text for item 21/112 |
Covid-19 Update Mark Adams, Director of Public Heath (South Tees) will be in attendance to provide an update on COVID-19 and the local Public Health / NHS response. Minutes: The Director of Public Heath for South Tees provided the
Panel with an update on latest Covid-19 situation. The Panel were advised that
the information presented only touched on the impact of the Omicron Variant. Middlesbrough’s infection rate per 100,000 stood at 316
placing it 135th in England. Ultimately, while rates were high they were not as
high as other parts of the country. Community transmission was also quite
stable. When examined by age range the 40-44 year old and the 10-14
age groups saw increases. However, these were not as high as they had been in
October. Public Health had contacted schools recommending the implementation of
wearing face coverings in communal areas and other measures that could help
reduce infection. In specific cases where infections were high in schools the
Public Health team worked with those schools to issue letters to parents. Hospital rates were in the 50s for South Tees with seven
people in critical care which was a consistent trend. This was in contrast to
over 200 inpatients in January 2021. However, it was the noted that while the
vaccine programme had assisted with this decrease the hospital system remained
under strain. Mortality rates were also improved on previous waves. In terms of vaccination rates; 75% of people had received a
first does of the vaccine with just under 67% having both doses. As with
previous updates vaccine take up rates began to decline when examining younger
age groups. There were still areas of the town that had low take up
rates of the vaccine which were likely to suffer disproportionately from
Covid-19 infections. Public Health were continuing to work to improve this
situation. With regard to the Omicron Variant; initial data suggested it
was more infectious than the Delta Variant, which itself was more infection
than the Alpha Variant. There was also some evidence from South Africa that
there was a greater reinfection rate. However, there was also initial evidence
to suggest that the vaccine provided protection against severe illness. It was, nevertheless, difficult to translate the South
African experience into the UK experience. Based on this information, however,
all adults over the age of 18 would be provided the opportunity for the vaccine
booster although there was some confused messaging around this. Government advice had been released about increasing
capacity around Primary Care and community pharmacy sites. It was confirmed that there were no cases in the Tees Valley
but given the rising numbers nationally this would be an inevitability. The Chair queried if Middlesbrough would follow other areas
in seeing Omicron cases as it had with other variants. It was clarified that
the spread of Omicron would be random depending on contacts. One of the only
ways to limit such a spread would be an intensive contact trace regime and
encouraging isolation periods. A Member sought clarification on the strategies being used to encourage people to get the vaccine. It was clarified where vaccines were taken to communities there was, generally, good take up ... view the full minutes text for item 21/113 |
Chair's OSB Update Minutes: The Chair advised the Panel that at the last meeting of the Overview
and Scrutiny Board on 9 November, the Executive Member for Environment, Finance
and Governance provided an update on his portfolio but given its breadth only
the Environment element was covered during the meeting. As part of the presentation the Board was made aware of the
different services within the portfolio with Environment being the most visible
The priorities for the Executive Member’s portfolio
included: ·
Improving the cleanliness of the town and the physical
environment; ·
Developing and implementing the green strategy; ·
Improving the highways (although this was
challenging due to pothole reappearance); ·
Light Up The Town – an initiative to attract
people to the town and showcase what was good in Middlesbrough and; ·
A drive to improve front line services in the
wake of the pandemic. The Chief Executive also provided an update to the Board
including how, at the time of the meeting, the Covid-19 situation remained
largely unchanged and that numbers remained high, although not as high as other
places. There had been a slight increase in the 60+ and the 20-39
age groups which was concerning but was being monitored. In terms of
vaccination uptake; there was positive signs of improvement but Middlesbrough
was starting from a low base. The Board was also advised that the Government’s PLAN B
could affect reoccupation of Council Buildings. The Board also received an update on Executive decisions
including a report identifying there was a £4.1 million overspend which was
being met with reserves. There were no new budget savings if Council approved a 2.99%
Council Tax increase and there was a need for political approval for priorities
affecting all children and young people in the town not just those in receipt
of care. The Board also approved the Economic Development,
Environment and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel’s final report into Middlesbrough
Regeneration - Post Covid-19 and received updates from individual scrutiny
chairs. The Chair advised the panel that the meeting was available
on the council’s YouTube channel. ORDERED: that the
information presented be noted. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: None. |