Venue: Mandela Room, Town Hall, Middlesbrough
Contact: Georgina Moore
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of
interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes - Health Scrutiny Panel - 20 November 2023 Minutes: The
minutes of the Health Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 20 November 2023 were
submitted and approved as a correct record. |
SUSPENSION OF COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULES - ORDER OF BUSINESS ORDERED: That in accordance with section 4.57 of the Council
Procedure Rules, the scrutiny panel agreed to vary the order of business to
consider Agenda Item 5 as the next item of business. |
Draft Final Report - Dental Health and the Impact of Covid-19 The
Scrutiny Panel will be asked to approve the content of the draft final report
and agree recommendations, for submission to the Executive. Minutes: The Democratic Services Officer presented a
brief overview of the draft final report on the topic of Dental Health and the
Impact of Covid-19. The following information was provided: ·
aim of the scrutiny review was to examine the oral health of Middlesbrough’s
population and the accessibility of local NHS dentistry services. ·
Terms of Reference, for the review, were detailed at paragraph 2 of the report. ·
information, included at paragraphs 3 to 14 of the report, provided a
definition of oral health, NHS dentistry and details on access to NHS dental
services. ·
in respect of Term of Reference A was included at paragraphs 15 to 24 of the
report and covered the Local Authority’s responsibilities in respect of oral
health and NHS England’s responsibilities in respect of dentistry. ·
in respect of Term of Reference B was included at paragraphs 25 to 35 and
covered oral health data in respect of Middlesbrough’s children and adults,
information on oral health promotion and the future work of the Local Authority
to improve oral health. ·
in respect of Term of Reference C was included at paragraphs 36 to 61 and
covered information on Covid-19, dental workforce recruitment and retention,
NHS dental contract and dental system reform and work being undertaken to
improve access to dental care. ·
in respect of Term of Reference D was included at paragraphs 62 to 79 and
covered information reported by Healthwatch, detailing the views and
experiences of the local population during the period March 2020 to October
2023. It also included information on the future work of Healthwatch and the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB). ·
in respect of Term of Reference E was included at paragraphs 80 to 110 and
covered programmes to reduce oral health inequalities, such as targeted
supervised tooth brushing in childhood settings, the provision of toothbrushes
and paste by post, targeted community fluoride varnish programmes, water
fluoridation programmes, the development of an oral health strategy and
improving access to Teesside University’s Student Dental Facility. ·
Information was included at paragraphs 111 to 119 and covered advice for
patients with an urgent dental treatment need and safeguarding. Whilst those
areas were not directly covered by the terms of reference, they were relevant
to the work of the scrutiny panel. ·
conclusions were detailed at paragraph 120 of the report
and they summarised the main findings of the review and identified key areas
for further consideration, in terms of Middlesbrough’s oral health and access
to dental care services. Following the publication of the agenda, two
comments had been received from the North East and
North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) and NHS England. · In terms of paragraph 49 - The ICB had requested that the sentence, which referenced ‘For example, a dentist is paid the same fee, regardless of whether they perform one filling on a patient or 10.’ was replaced with ‘Recent national dental contract reforms introduced in November 2022 have gone ... view the full minutes text for item 23/26 |
Women's Health Services - An Update Representatives from the North East and North
Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) will be in attendance to provide: ·
of the services available to meet the reproductive health and general health
needs of women throughout their life course; and ·
an update on the development of
women’s health hubs and how the local hub model will be tailored to meet local
population needs. Minutes: The Director of Place Based Delivery and the
Commissioning Delivery Manager from the North East and
North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) were in attendance to provide
information on the women’s health programme. The Commissioning Delivery Manager advised that
the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) had recently published the
Women’s Health Strategy for England, which set out 10-year ambitions for
boosting the health and wellbeing of women and girls, and for improving how the
health and care system listened to women. The strategy encouraged the expansion
of women’s health hubs across the country to improve access to services and
health outcomes. The DHSC had recently
announced a £25 million investment, nationally, to create new women’s health
hubs, as part of the Women’s Health Strategy for England. It was explained that
North East and North Cumbria ICB had been allocated
£595,000. The scrutiny panel heard that: ·
of the population were women; ·
of women were unpaid carers; ·
of the NHS workforce were women; and ·
of the social care workforce were women. In terms of national health challenges, the
following areas were outlined: ·
women lived longer than men, women’s heathy life expectancy was less than men. ·
was difficult to access. ·
of pregnancies were unplanned or ambivalent. ·
rates were rising in women over 22 years old, often because they were unable to
access long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), such as the implant or the
coil. ·
mortality was 4x higher in black women and 2x higher in Asian women. ·
was the leading cause of direct maternal death in the first postnatal year (UK
and IE). ·
of women who were eligible for screening had not been tested in over three
years, which could have saved approximately 1400 lives in England per year. ·
from more deprived areas were less likely to take up breast screening. ·
symptoms lasted for an average duration of 7 years and around a quarter of
women suffered severe symptoms. ·
2018: o
the most affluent areas of England, there had been a 4-fold increase in the
number of women accessing Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT); and o
the most deprived areas of England, there had been a 2.5-fold increase in the
number of women accessing HRT. ·
in 3 women over 60 years old experienced urinary incontinence. ·
symptoms for cardiovascular disease varied for women, and women often received
their diagnosis later than men. ·
and frailty were major causes of morbidity and mortality for women. The priority areas of the Government’s Women’s
Health Strategy included: ·
health and gynaecological conditions; ·
pregnancy, pregnancy loss and post-natal support; ·
Menopause; ·
health and wellbeing; ·
Cancers; ·
health impacts of violence against women and girls; and ·
aging and long-term conditions. In terms of the regional context, for the area
of the North East and North Cumbria, the following
information was outlined: · The gap in life expectancy between the most and least deprived neighbourhoods had increased for both males and ... view the full minutes text for item 23/27 |
Overview and Scrutiny Board - An Update The Chair will present a verbal update on
the matters that were considered at the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny
Board held on 15 November 2023. Minutes: The
Chair explained that at the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board, which
was held on 15 November 2023, the Board had considered: ·
an update from the Executive Member for
Finance and Governance; ·
the Executive Forward Work Programme;
and ·
updates from the Scrutiny Chairs. NOTED |