Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Joanne Dixon / Scott Bonner
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes - Licensing Committee - 28 June 2021 Minutes: The minutes of the Licensing meeting held on 28 June 2021 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Fire Safety and Safety of Places report - Middlesbrough Sports Village Minutes: The Head of Highways submitted a report seeking Members’
approval to the re-issue of the Regulated Stand Safety Certificate in respect
of the grandstand at Middlesbrough Sports Village, for a period of one year. It was highlighted that the Fire Safety and Safety of Places
of Sport Act 1987 stated that where there was a covered stand providing
accommodation for 500 or more spectators, seated or standing, at any
non-designated ground, the Local Authority was responsible for issuing and
enforcing a regulated stand safety certificate, containing such terms and
conditions as considered necessary or expedient to secure reasonable safety at
the sports ground, in accordance with the Act. A bi-annual inspection was carried out on 5 July 2021 and
the stand was found to be satisfactory and there had been no significant
changes to the grandstand or operating procedures in the past year other than a
significantly reduced programme of events due to Covid. Members were advised that the current approved permitted
number of spectators for the stand was up to 540. It was noted that whenever Government Covid
regulations were in force to reduce capacity at the venue, reduced permitted
spectator numbers would be agreed in advance of each planned event with the
Safety Advisory Group. The Committee was requested to approve the re-issue of the
Regulated Stand Safety Certificate for the forthcoming year with a spectator
capacity of up to 540, with Covid specific capacity reductions agreed in
advance with the Safety Advisory Group. It was also recommended that the
Director of Social Care and Health Integration, or his representative, be
authorised to re-issue the Certificate, as outlined. ORDERED that approval be given to re-issue the Regulated Stand Safety Certificate in respect of Middlesbrough Sports Village for the forthcoming year, 2021/22, with a spectator capacity of up to 540 and that the Director of Social Care and Health Integration, or his representative, be authorised to re-issue the Certificate, as outlined. |
Renewal of General Safety Certificate 2021/2022 - Riverside Football Stadium Minutes: The Head of Highways submitted a report seeking Members
approval to the re-issue of the General Safety Certificate for the forthcoming
football season 2021/22. It was highlighted that the Safety of Sports Grounds Act
1975 established the principle that a sports ground accommodating more than
10,000 spectators required a Safety Certificate containing such terms and
conditions as the Local Authority considered necessary or expedient to secure
reasonable safety at the sports ground. Members were advised that the current approved permitted
number of spectators for the Riverside Stadium was up to 33,981. Under SG02 Covid guidance, stadium capacity will be
dependent on bubble sizes. Under current
regulations, the stadium was limited to 25% of capacity. As Government guidelines were likely to
change prior to the next review of the Safety Certificate a reduced capacity
based on Government Covid regulations, when in force, would be agreed in
advance of each match with the Safety Advisory Group. The Committee was requested to approve the re-issue of the
General Safety Certificate for the forthcoming season with a spectator capacity
of up to 33,981. It was also recommended
that the Director of Social Care and Health Integration, or his representative,
be authorised to re-issue the Certificate, as outlined. ORDERED that
approval be given to re-issue the General Safety Certificate in respect of the
Riverside Stadium for the forthcoming football season 2021/21 with a spectator
capacity of up to 33,981 and that the Director of Social Care and Health
Integration, or his representative, be authorised to re-issue the Certificate,
as outlined. ** DECLARATIONS OF
INTEREST Councillors C Hobson, McCabe and Smiles each declared a non-pecuniary interest in the following item as all were Members of the Council’s Executive when it had considered the application on 16 March 2021. |
Village Green Application - Nunthorpe Village Green Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Legal and Governance Services submitted a report seeking the Committee’s approval to register land at The Avenue, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough, as a village green. Members expressed concern that no Officer was in attendance to present the report or to respond to questions from Members should they have any. However, having read the report prior to the meeting, the Chair sought confirmation as to whether Members had any questions and whether they felt able to proceed with consideration of the matter based on the information before them. It was confirmed that all Members had read the report and that there were no questions. The report highlighted that the decision to approve an application to register such land was not an officer decision and there was no provision within the Officer Scheme of Delegation. The site at The Avenue comprised of 2.74 Ha (6.76 acres) open space, owned by Middlesbrough Council and was used as an informal recreation space serving the Nunthorpe community. The site was protected as primary open space within the Council’s Local Plan (2014). In recognition of the importance of the open space to the local community, approval was sought from the Council’s Executive to make the relevant application to voluntarily designate the site as a Village Green. Approval was granted by the Executive on 16 March 2021. A search of the Title Deeds revealed that two significant sewers cross the site and rights exist to maintain these and other drainage. Works required to maintain the drainage would be considered a criminal offence following registration, therefore, it was proposed to exclude these parts from the site subject to the registration. The submitted report sought the Licensing Committee’s approval to register the land as a Village Green, which would protect it in perpetuity from development. The application was made in accordance with the provisions 15(8) of the Common Land Act 2006. As the registration was sought voluntarily, the freehold of the land would remain with the Council. A copy of the application form was attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report and a plan of the land in question and the community it served was attached at Appendix 2. ORDERED that the application to voluntarily register the land at The Avenue, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough, as a Village Green, be approved. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: None. |