Venue: Mandela Room
Contact: Susan Lightwing
No. | Item |
Welcome and Evacuation Procedure Minutes: The Chair welcomed all present to the meeting and introductions were made. The Building Evacuation Procedure was read out. |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes- Standards Committee - 3 April 2023 Minutes: The minutes of the Standards Committee meeting held on 3 April 2023 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Quarterly Update Report to Standards Committee Minutes: A joint report of Director of
Legal and Governance Services and the Executive Member for Finance and
Governance was presented to provide a quarterly update to the Standards
Committee on Code of Conduct complaints. The report included an update on
actions from the last Committee meeting, details of outstanding complaints
against Members who were not re-elected to the role in which the alleged breach
occurred and the recruitment process for the role of Independent Person. There was 1 complaint from 2020,
4 complaints from 2021, and 3 ongoing from 2022 at various stages of the
process which had not yet concluded. One complaint had been withdrawn from 2021
further to the April update. Specifics about those complaints could not be
provided to the Committee at this time so as not to prejudice any outcomes,
and/or create a conflict should any of those complaints need to come to
Standards Committee at a future date. There had been 39 complaints
submitted to date in 2023. Of the 39 complaints, there had been 15 complaints
rejected further to the assessment criteria, 1 withdrawn, and 1 resolved by way
of advice and guidance. There was one matter which was
due to come before the committee for a hearing, dates were currently being
arranged and the appropriate report would be provided in due course. The issue of the use of social
media was highlighted as being a theme throughout a number of
complaints received this year and the Committee had agreed several actions at
the Standards Committee meeting held on 3 April 2023 which had been completed
as follows: • An
advice and guidance email was sent to all current
Members from the Monitoring
Officer/Deputy Monitoring Officer reminding them of the guidance around social media use with reference to the
Code of Conduct. • Regular
meetings have taken place with the Monitoring Officer/Deputy Monitoring Officer and Group Leaders at
which standards issues have been discussed. • A
training session was held on 20 June 2023 with newly elected Members, focussing specifically on guidance
around social media • The
issue of Social Media use was also covered in detail in Code of Conduct training held on 6 June 2023 via Teams. There were 10 complaints at
various stages of the procedure where the subject member was not re-elected
into the role in which the alleged breach occurred. The Code of Conduct applied to Councillors
and as the subject members were no longer Councillors, the code did not now
apply and thus any sanction that the Standards Committee could impose, fell
away. A table at paragraph 12 of the
submitted report set out the position in relation to outstanding complaints
where the subject member was no longer in the role in which the alleged breach
occurred. These complaints would now be closed with no further action. The following points were raised
by Members in relation to the complaints that had been closed: • The potential for a former Councillor with a complaint against them that had been ... view the full minutes text for item 23/4 |
Any Other Urgent Items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered Minutes: None. |