Venue: Mandela Room
Contact: Susan Lightwing
No. | Item |
Welcome and Evacuation Procedure Minutes: The Chair welcomed all present to the meeting and read out the Building Evacuation Procedure. |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes - Standards Committee - 3 July 2023 Minutes: The minutes of the Standards Committee meeting held on 3 July 2023 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Procedure for a Standards Committee Hearing For information Minutes: A copy of the Procedure for a Standards Committee Hearing was included in the agenda pack for information. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered Minutes: None. |
Exclusion of Press and Public To consider passing a Resolution Pursuant to Section 100A (4) Part 1 of
the Local Government Act 1972 excluding the press and public from the meeting
during consideration of the following items on the grounds that if present
there would be disclosure to them of exempt information falling within
paragraphs 1 and 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act and the public interest
in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the
information. Minutes: The Chair sought the views of the
Committee, the Deputy Monitoring Officer and the
Investigating Officer, as to whether the complaint should be heard in public or
private session. Having heard the representations it was: ORDERED that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that, if present, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information. |
Standards Complaint: IKEN Ref: 15427 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Investigating Officer
presented her report, a copy of which had been circulated prior to the meeting,
regarding an investigation which had been undertaken in accordance with the
prevailing legislation and guidance in relation to an allegation that Councillor
Jones had breached the Members’ Code of Conduct in that she failed to treat
another person with civility and respect, failed to not bully, harass or
intimidate another person, did not comply with the Code in respect of conduct
at meetings and brought her role and the local authority into disrepute. A summary of the complaint,
details of the relevant legislation, protocols and Members' Code of Conduct,
the review process, findings of fact and conclusions were presented by the
Investigating Officer. Committee Members, the Subject
Member and the Independent Person were given the opportunity to question the
Investigating Officer in relation to her report. The Subject Member presented
their response to the Investigating Officer’s report, and called upon two
witnesses. The Investigating Officer,
Committee Members and the Independent Person were given the opportunity to
question the Subject Member and the witnesses. It was ORDERED that the Standards Committee would hear the second complaint: IKEN Ref: 15391, at this point in the meeting as it was linked to the first complaint: IKEN Ref: 15427. |
Standards Complaint: IKEN Ref: 15391 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Investigating Officer
presented her report, a copy of which had been circulated prior to the meeting,
regarding an investigation which had been undertaken in accordance with the
prevailing legislation and guidance in relation to an allegation that
Councillor Jones had breached the Members’ Code of Conduct in that she failed
to treat another person with civility and respect, failed to not bully, harass
or intimidate another person, did not comply with the Code in respect of
conduct at meetings and brought her role and the local authority into
disrepute. A summary of the complaint,
details of the relevant legislation, protocols and Members' Code of Conduct,
the review process, findings of fact and conclusions were presented by the
Investigating Officer. Committee Members, the Subject
Member and the Independent Person were given the opportunity to question the
Investigating Officer in relation to her report. The Subject Member presented
their response to the Investigating Officer’s report. The Investigating Officer, Committee Members
and the Independent Person were given the opportunity to question the Subject
Member. The Standards Committee went into private session to consider both complaints. Having considered the
Investigating Officer's report, the supporting documentation, the Investigating
Officer's comments and questioning, the Subject Member’s and the witnesses’
comments, the Committee considered the findings of fact, and based on those
findings, whether Councillor had failed to comply with the Members' Code of
Conduct. The Independent Person was consulted and provided his views. In regard to
the allegations, the Standards Committee unanimously supported the findings of
the Investigating Officer's Reports.
The Committee concluded that Councillor Jones had breached the Members'
Code of Conduct in respect of both complaints. It was ORDERED that the following sanctions be
imposed: 1. Councillor Jones to write a letter of apology to each of the
complainants within 28 days of the date of this Standards Committee. 2. Councillor Jones to undertake further training in relation
to the Code of Conduct and Conduct at meetings within 28 days of the date of
this Standards Committee. 3. Councillor Jones would not be eligible to be a member of the
Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Panel for a period of 12 months from the
date of this Standards Committee meeting. |