Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Susan Lightwing
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Economic Development, Environment and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 21 July 2021 were taken as read and approved as a correct record. |
Middlesbrough Council's Green Strategy - Scrutiny Review The Director of Environment and Community Services will be in attendance to provide an overview of Middlesbrough Council’s Green Strategy as an introduction to the Panel’s new topic: The Green Strategy and the Council’s plans for increasing bio-diversity. Recommendation: that the Panel determines what further information will be required for this scrutiny investigation. Minutes: The Director of Environment and
Community Services and the Environment Sustainability Manager were in
attendance to provide an overview of Middlesbrough Council’s Green Strategy as an
introduction to the Panel’s new topic: The Green Strategy and the Council’s
plans for increasing bio-diversity. Middlesbrough Council had set out an ambitious ten year plan to develop a green agenda to rise to the challenge of global warming, and try to reduce it by its actions. The Council had three broad aims to make Middlesbrough a more sustainable town which were:
The Mayor’s ambition was to make Middlesbrough a greener town with more trees and flowers. The Council had declared a climate crisis in 2019. In 2012 Middlesbrough Council adopted the ten One Planet Living principles, which was a sustainability model based on the United Nations 17 sustainable development goals. As well as environmental improvements, standards and awareness, the principles included community cohesion, culture, wildlife, landscape, travel, the materials we use and the products we buy, as well as zero waste and carbon energy. The Green Strategy was based on the ten One Planet Living principles. In response to the net carbon neutral ambition for Middlesbrough Council for 2029, measures had already started to de-carbonise the transport fleet and other assets. Tools were in place to measure carbon output, set carbon budgets, and introduce reduction measures. Various efficiency measures were already in place within the buildings estate but the Council needed to go further and consider more radical methods. Moving towards greener transport was not just for the Council but for residents, and the UK as a whole. The government’s aim was to have no new internal combustion vehicles on the roads by the end of 2029. The Council would work with public transport providers to enable their move to sustainable fuel use and develop the installation of an infrastructure to provide electric vehicle charging points across the town. The Council had already purchased five electric vehicles. To increase and improve biodiversity the Council would create rich and diverse habitats and promote the use of parks and open spaces. This would involve community engagement, getting people involved in, and supporting, their local green spaces. As an authority the Council had responsibility in relation to purchasing and where to procure services, what type of goods were purchased, and engaging with local suppliers. The procurement team was looking at the social model of engagement and making sure it had an impact in terms of the local community and business. Recycling levels had fallen during the Covid-19 pandemic. The average amount of waste recycled had been at 33% for a number of years but had fallen to 28% recently. The Council had employed an Officer to work on the most challenging areas and do regular engagement programmes to try and improve recycling rates. The ... view the full minutes text for item 21/20 |
Middlesbrough Regeneration Post Covid-19 Scrutiny Review - Draft Final Report Recommendation: That the Panel considers the content of the draft Final Report and agrees conclusions and recommendations for submission to the Executive Minutes: The Panel’s Draft Final Report on Middlesbrough Regeneration Post Covid-19 was presented. AGREED that approval of the report was DEFERRED to the next meeting. |
Date of Next Meeting - 6 October 2021 Minutes: The date and time of the next meeting was confirmed as Wednesday 6 October 2021 at 10.30 am. NOTED |
Overview and Scrutiny Board Update The Chair will provide a verbal update on matters considered at the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 28 July 2021. Minutes: The Chair provided a verbal update on the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting that had taken place earlier in the day. NOTED |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered Minutes: Pest Control A Panel
Member referred to a recent press article about Middlesbrough Council losing a
pest control services contract with housing provider Thirteen. The Panel had already undertaken a scrutiny
review of the Council’s pest control services earlier in 2021. The
Director of Environment and Community Services answered Members’ queries in
relation to the Thirteen contract, as well as the previous scrutiny
recommendations, and confirmed that the Council would continue to provide a pest
control service on its own land. Members were
reminded that they could put forward suggestions in relation to the provision
of Council services as part of the budget consultation process. NOTED |