Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Susan Lightwing
No. | Item | |||||||||
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes:
Minutes - Teesside Pension Board - 8 February 2021 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting
of the Teesside Pension Board held on 8 February 2021 were taken as read and
approved as a correct record. |
Minutes - Teesside Pension Fund Committee - 9 December 2020 Minutes: A copy of the minutes of
the Teesside Pension Fund Committee meeting held on 9 December 2021 was
submitted for information. NOTED |
Teesside Pension Fund Committee - 10 March 2021 Verbal Report Minutes: The Head of Pensions
Governance and Investments provided a verbal update on agenda items considered
at a meeting of the Teesside Pension Fund Committee held on 10 March 2021. The
main points highlighted were:
During the quarter, £45.3 million
was invested in Alternatives.
AGREED that the information
provided was received and noted. |
Strategic Asset Allocation Update Minutes: A
report of the Director of Finance was presented to inform Members of the
Teesside Pension Board of the revision to the Pension Fund’s strategic asset
allocation, as agreed at the Pension Fund Committee meeting held on 10 March
2021. The
Pension Fund’s target strategic asset allocation was set out in its Investment
Strategy Statement which was last updated in February 2019. The
Pension Fund had made slow progress towards its strategic asset allocation, for
several reasons: the unattractiveness of bonds, the necessarily slow increase
in investments in private equity, infrastructure and other alternatives, and
the difficulty in significantly increasing the direct property portfolio. No progress had been made to date in reducing
the Pension Fund’s equity exposure. This was despite a phased sell-off of £125
million of US equities over the 15 months to 31 December 2020. While
the Pension Fund remained heavily invested in equities its assets were subject
to significant volatility. While this could be tolerated to a certain extent
given the Pension Fund’s long investment time horizon, this volatility could
cause issues for the Pension Fund’s employers if the triennial valuation
coincided with a low point in valuations. Officers
had worked with the Pension Fund’s investment advisors to review the strategic
asset allocation, with a view to setting a long-term and a short/medium term
target for asset allocation. The latter
target would allow the Committee and Board to judge more quickly whether
appropriate progress was being made in reallocating the Pension Fund’s assets. The
revised strategic asset allocation, approved by the Pension Fund Committee at
its 10 March 2021 meeting, included the
following features: ·
A significantly
lower allocation to UK equities – this partly reflected the fact the UK market
was increasingly concentrated on a number of sectors such as consumer staples,
financials and commodities, meaning the market’s performance was to some extent
linked to the performance of those sectors. It also reflects a recognition that
future growth may be limited in the UK compared to other global regions. ·
A recognition
that infrastructure investments could be classed as ‘protection’ rather than
‘growth’ assets – this acknowledged the long-term secure nature of the types of
infrastructure the Pension Fund invested in. ·
Property debt was
also reclassified as part of ‘other debt’ as a ‘protection’ asset, and so
separated from property which remained classified as a ‘growth’ asset. ·
A short/medium
term target of 65% equities by 31 March 2022. This might be challenging and
would require careful implementation. The longer term equity target increased
slightly from 50% to 55%. Following
the Committee’s agreement to the revised strategic asset allocation, the following
steps were underway: ·
An updated
Investment Strategy Statement (ISS) would be circulated to Pension Fund
employers for comment. Any substantive
changes agreed to the revised ISS following the consultation would be presented
to the next Committee meeting. If there
were no changes the ISS would be published in due course. · Officers would work to implement the revised strategic asset allocation and report back to future Committee meetings ... view the full minutes text for item 20/47 |
Pension Fund Business Plan Additional documents:
Minutes: A
report of the Director of Finance was presented to Board Members to inform them
of the annual Business Plan including the 2021/22 Pension Fund budget. The
2021/22 forecast income and expenditure was set out in the Business Plan, and
summarised at paragraph 3.1 of the submitted report. The Business Plan for 2021/24
was attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report and included: ·
The purpose of
the Fund, including the Teesside Pension Fund Service Promise (Appendix A). ·
The current
governance arrangements for the Fund. ·
The performance
targets for the Fund for 2021/22, and a summary of the performance for 2020/21
(Appendix B). ·
The arrangements
in place for managing risk and the most up to date risk register for the Fund
(see Appendix C). ·
investment and funding details for the Fund. ·
An estimated
outturn for 2020/21 and an estimate for income and expenditure for 2021/22
(Appendix D and page 21 of Appendix 1). ·
An annual plan
for key decisions and a forward work programme for 2021/22 and an outline work
plan for 2022–2024. A Board Member raised
concern in relation to the income deficit and the Head of Pensions Governance
and Investment provided an explanation for the apparent deficit and strategies
available for addressing it if needed. It was suggested that the
Board should review the Risk Register for the Fund at a future meeting. In relation to
administrative costs, it was stated that these were mainly attributed to the
contract with XPS. AGREED that
the information provided was received and noted. |
Teesside Pension Board Annual Report 2020/2021 Minutes: The Teesside Pension Board Annual Report 2020-2021 was presented for Board Members’ information. The report contained information in relation to the Board’s activity in 2020-2021, Work Programme, Impact of the Coronavirus/Covid-19 Pandemic, Board Membership and Meeting Attendance. AGREED that the Teesside Pension Board Annual Report 2020-2021 was approved. |
National Knowledge Assessment Outcome Update Minutes: A report of the Director of Finance was presented to update Members of
the Teesside Pension Board on the proposals by the Pension Fund Committee at a
meeting held on 10 March 2021, following the outcome of the National Knowledge
Assessment recently undertaken by Board and Pension Fund Committee members. The Pension Fund
Committee agreed the following: • The training plan attached at Appendix
A to the submitted report, should be delivered
to Committee and Board members. • A training budget initially set at
£40,000 was set aside to allow external companies
and individuals to be commissioned to assist with this training where appropriate. • Expenditure on external training would
be determined by the Head of Pensions
Governance and Investments in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Teesside Pension Fund
Committee. The Head of
Pensions Governance and Investments would investigate options to deliver the
training plan within budget, and look to ensure maximum participation and value
was delivered to Board and Pension Fund Committee members. An initial focus
would be on the induction of any new Members following the Council’s Annual Meeting
in May 2021. AGREED that the information provided was received
and noted. |
Update on Current Issues Additional documents: Minutes: A report of the Director of Finance was presented to update Members on current issues affecting the Pension Fund locally or the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) in general. The following issues were highlighted: · Regulations imposing a £95,000 Exit Cap Revoked. · Scheme Advisory Board - Good Governance Review Final Report. · Increasing the Normal Minimum Pension Age: Consultation on Implementation. The Head of Pensions Governance and Investments provided further explanation of each item, the details of which were contained in the submitted report. AGREED that the information provided was received and noted. |
Work Plan Update Verbal Report Minutes: The Board was reviewing record-keeping at today’s
meeting and included in the XPS report at Agenda Item 12 was information in
relation to Common and Conditional Data.
The most significant failure on Common Data was
address and postcode and this related almost entirely to people who had left
the scheme and changed address but failed to notify XPS. The Head of Pensions Governance and
Investment was working with XPS to obtain quotes from companies that could
assist in locating these individuals and how cost effective that would be. The Scheme Actuary had been asked to do some
analysis in relation to the data extract over the next few months in
preparation for the next valuation and the extract in June 2022. In order to improve the quality of the
valuation information it was important to start looking at the data now. In relation to resolving internal disputes – these
were reported to the Board every three months by XPS and there had not been any
cases referred to the Pension Ombudsman during the last year. A Board Member suggested that Electoral Services
might be able to assist with address and postcode information, subject to data
protection considerations. AGREED that the information
provided was received and noted. |
XPS Administration Report Additional documents: Minutes: A report was presented to provide an overview of administration services provided to the Teesside Pension Fund by XPS Administration. The following items were highlighted: · Headlines – 95K Exit Cap and McCloud
judgement. ·
update. ● Membership Movement. ● Member Self Service - new website. ● Additional Work - Guaranteed Minimum Pension
reconciliation exercise. ● Common Data. ● Conditional Data. ·
Service. ● Employer Liaison. ● Performance Charts. XPS was currently surveying all
employees regarding returning to work at the office following the lifting of
covid-19 stay at home restrictions.
Employees could express their preference for working at home, working at
the office or a combination of both. Whilst there had been some late
payments from Employers this was not a particular issue and XPS staff were in
regular contact to respond to any difficulties experienced due to the pandemic. AGREED that the information provided was received and noted. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered Minutes: None. |