Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Susan Lightwing
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes:
Minutes - Teesside Pension Board - 2 November 2020 PDF 140 KB Minutes: The
minutes of the meeting of the Teesside Pension Board held on 2 November 2020
were taken as read and approved as a correct record. The
Head of Pensions Governance and Investments confirmed that there was no
progress to report on Reforming Local Government Exit Pay. In
relation to the review of Employer Contributions and flexibility on exit
payments, statutory guidance was still awaited from the Government. |
Minutes - Teesside Pension Fund Committee - 16 September 2020 PDF 228 KB Minutes: A copy of the minutes of the
Teesside Pension Fund Committee meeting held on 16 September 2020 was submitted
for information. NOTED |
Teesside Pension Fund Committee - 9 December 2020 - Update Verbal Report Minutes: The Head of Pensions
Governance and Investments provided a verbal update on agenda items considered
at a meeting of the Teesside Pension Fund Committee held on 9 December 2020. The main points highlighted
AGREED that the information provided was received and noted. |
Presentation from Border to Coast Head of Client Relations PDF 3 MB Minutes: The Head of Client Relations,
Border to Coast, gave a presentation which covered the following areas:
An overview of the Border to Coast
Pensions Partnership and its aims was provided. As at 31 December 2020, 96
people were now employed by Border to Coast, including 12 new investment team members. An organisational chart of the Investment Team was included
in the presentation. A timetable of the funds
launched to date and those scheduled for 2021, 2022, and beyond were included
in the presentation. Ten funds were now up and running. Details of the Active Equity, Fixed Income
and Alternative Fund Ranges were provided as well as performance information up
to 31 December 2020. The Head of Client Relations
also detailed Border to Coast's approach to Responsible Investment. Responding to questions, the
Head of Client Relations provided further information in relation to the timescales
for investing in Alternatives and Responsible Investment. AGREED that the presentation was received and noted. |
National Knowledge Assessment Outcome PDF 1 MB Minutes: The Head of Pensions
Governance and Investments provided feedback on the outcome of the National
Knowledge Assessment recently undertaken by the Pension Fund Board and
Committee members. Ten out of fourteen Pension Fund
Committee Members and three out of six Board Members participated in the
Assessment. This represented a collective participation rate of 65%, just above
average compared with the 22 Funds that had carried out the assessment
nationally. Consultants Hymans Robertson had
analysed the outcome, provided each participant with individual scores and
feedback, and collated the information into a report. The report also identified a number of areas
where the Committee and Board would benefit from additional training. Extracts from the report and a suggested
training plan were attached at Appendix A to the submitted report. The
outcome of the Knowledge Assessment would be discussed with the Committee at
their March meeting, with a view to developing a training programme in which
both Committee and Board members could participate. Members discussed training
options and it was requested that any Member who had not yet completed the
Pensions Regulator Training should do so.
The Chair urged any Member that had not yet completed the Knowledge
Assessment to do so. AGREED as
follows: 1. The information provided was received and noted. 2.
The Head of
Pensions Governance and Investment would report back to the Board following
discussion with Committee Members. |
Asset Allocation Update PDF 582 KB Minutes: A report of the Director of Finance was presented to update the Board
with information on how the Pension Fund was progressing towards its long term
strategic asset allocation. The Pension Fund’s target strategic asset allocation was set out in its
Investment Strategy Statement which was last updated in February 2019. The table
at 4.1 of the submitted report showed the strategic asset allocation alongside
the actual allocation of the fund at the end of the quarter the allocation was
published (31 March 2019), and at the latest date reported to the Pension Fund
Committee (30 September 2020). The asset allocation to equities had remained steady at 75% for the
last two years, despite the fact that the strategic allocation to equities was
50%. The Fund had moved its allocation
to the 50% target two years ago and during that time the Fund’s Advisors had
consistently cautioned against investing in Bonds. Whilst the Fund was relatively well-funded, reducing the equity
allocation would take some of the volatility out of the portfolio. The most attractive investment currently
was alternatives, private equity and infrastructure and other market
investments. An issue with those
investments was that it could take a number of years to get money invested in
them. The volatility of equity markets over the last year had also deterred
the Fund from selling. Over time, the
Fund had tried to reduce its allocation through selling equity. Over the quarter to the end of last year, the
Fund sold £50 million of US equity and over the previous 18 months had sold
about £150 million in US equity in total, in an attempt to release some cash
for other investments and rebalance. At
the same time, the value of US equity had gone up. The Fund had also been working on increasing its allocation to the
illiquid alternative investments.
Investments in alternatives had increased from 2.6% to 6.8% of the Fund
over the past 18 month period which represented considerably progress given the
necessarily slow pace of investment into this asset class. The target allocation was 15%. The investment team
continued to work with the Fund’s advisors and managers to ensure the required allocation to alternatives was
built and maintained in an effective and efficient manner. The Fund’s
allocation to property and property debt had reduced over the 18 month period
due to the following factors:
Officers ... view the full minutes text for item 20/39 |
Board Work Plan review PDF 505 KB Minutes: The Head of
Pensions Governance and Investments presented a report on the Board’s current
Work Plan which was agreed at the 10 February 2020 meeting. Board members were
invited to submit any suggestions for areas to cover in meetings from July
2021. It was highlighted that some
topics might be identified from the National Knowledge Assessment recently
undertaken by Board members. The Head of
Pensions Governance and Investments highlighted that the three yearly Actuarial
Valuation of the Fund was due next year and this could be a topic that Members
would like to receive further training on. AGREED that the information provided was received and noted. |
XPS Administration Report including Website Presentation PDF 334 KB Additional documents: Minutes: A report was
presented to provide an overview of administration services provided to the
Teesside Pension Fund by XPS Administration. Updates were
provided on the following items: ● Headlines - McCloud judgement. ● Regulations and guidance: - The Restriction of Public Sector
Exit Payments Regulations 2020. - The LGPS (Amendment) (No2)
Regulations 2020 - exit credits. ● Covid-19 - XPS update. ● Membership Movement. ● Member Self Service - new website. ● Complaints. ● Internal Dispute Resolution Process. ● Annual Benefit Statements. ● Common Data. ● Conditional Data. ● Customer Service. ● Recruitment. ● Employer Liaison. ● Performance Charts. In relation to the
Restriction of Public Sector Exit Payments Regulations 2020, it was highlighted
that a communication was expected from the Government to administering
authorities regarding the apparent discrepancy between the new regulations and
existing Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) regulations. Two judicial reviews were due to be heard in
March. The Government did not intend to
amend the LGPS regulations until the outcome of those reviews were known. Members received an
online demonstration of the proposed new Teesside Pension website. It was suggested that the website was tested
and sense-checked by a sample of Fund Members before going live. AGREED that the information provided was received and noted. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered Minutes: None. |