Venue: Spencer Room
Contact: Susan Lightwing
No. | Item | ||||||
Welcome and Evacuation Procedure Minutes: The Chair welcomed all present to the meeting and read out the Building Evacuation Procedure. |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes:
Minutes - Teesside Pension Board - 20 February 2023 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Teesside Pension Board held on 20 February 2023 were taken as read and approved as a correct record. |
Teesside Pension Fund Committee - 15 March 2023 Verbal Report Minutes: The Head of Pensions Governance
and Investments provided a verbal update on agenda items considered at a
meeting of the Teesside Pension Fund Committee held on 15 March 2023. The latest Investment Activity
Report detailed that the cash position at the end of December 2023 had reduced
to 8%. Cash was gradually being spent on
illiquid investments including private equity and infrastructure, which
typically took around 4 years to invest in.
The Fund had also purchased two new properties at a combined cost of £53
million. The equity weighting of the
portfolio was 60%, against a target of 55%, which was much closer than it had
been previously. With regard to investments
generally, a Member had queried the Fund’s investments
in tobacco. The Fund did not have any
rules regarding not investing in tobacco.
It was a legal product and an asset class that the Fund could invest
in. The Head of Pensions Governance and
Investments had agreed to ascertain what exposure the Fund had to tobacco
companies and how it had changed over the years. Reports from the external
managers: Border to Coast and State Street were presented. In relation to the three equity funds managed
by Border to Coast, two funds were on track and had been performing well and
delivering 1% above the benchmark.
However the Emerging Markets Fund was below target and below the
benchmark. Several reasons were provided
for this including investments in Russia and China. The State Street funds were passive and had
tracked an index as expected. Two Internal Audit reports had
been presented and both had provided substantial assurance. The Funds’ Advisors had provided
their views on the investment markets and suggested that the Fund should think
about investing in Bonds as well as equities and protection assets. Equities could be sold in a controlled way if
the Fund needed additional cash. The usual property update was
provided by CBRE and Border to Coast also gave a presentation in relation to
the Pool which was launched 5 years ago. Border to Coast were in the
process of setting up a project team to develop information and discuss ways to
meet future challenges. AGREED that the information provided was received and noted. |
Pension Fund Business Plan Additional documents:
Minutes: A report of the Interim Section 151 Officer was presented to provide Members with the Pension Fund Business Plan 2023/26. Members were requested to note the Business Plan including the 2023/24 Pension Fund Budget. The 2023/24 forecast income and expenditure was set out in the Business Plan and summarised at paragraph 3.1 of the submitted report. In order to comply with the recommendations of the Myners Review of Institutional Investment it was agreed that an annual Business Plan should be presented to the Pension Fund Committee for approval. The Business Plan should contain financial estimates for the Fund, including the budgeted costs for investment and management expenses. The Teesside Pension Fund Business Plan was designed to set out how the Pension Fund Committee operated, what powers were delegated and to provide information on key issues. The Business Plan sat alongside the Fund’s other governance documents, which set out the delegated powers and responsibilities of officers charged with the investment management function. A copy of the Business Plan for 2023/26 which was approved by the 15 March 2023 Pension Fund Committee was attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report. The Business Plan included: • The purpose of the Fund, including the Teesside Pension Fund Service Promise (see Appendix A); • The current governance arrangements for the Fund; • The performance targets for the Fund for 2023/24, and a summary of the performance for 2022/23 (latest available) (see Appendix B); • The arrangements in place for managing risk and the most up to date risk register for the Fund (see Appendix C); • Membership, investment and funding details for the Fund; • An estimated outturn for 2022/23 and an estimate for income and expenditure for 2023/24 (see Appendix D and page 21 of Appendix 1); and • An annual plan for key decisions and a forward work programme for 2023/26 and an outline work plan for 2023–2026. Responding to a query, the Head of
Pensions Governance and Investment clarified that the Fund relied on the
Actuary in relation to risk management of inflation. The expectation was that the current
inflation level of around 10% would fall back in the longer term. If this did not happen, the Actuary would
consider the position at the next actuarial valuation and whether Employers’
contributions need to be increased. AGREED that the Business Plan including the 2023/24 Pension Fund Budget was received and noted. |
Teesside Pension Board Annual Report 2022/2023 Minutes: The Head of Pensions Governance
and Investment presented the Board’s Annual Report 2022/2023. The Report provided a summary of
work undertaken by the Board throughout the year. Board Members were invited to
suggest topics for the Work Plan for the next year. AGREED that the Annual Report 2022/2023 was received and noted. |
Update on Work Plan Items Additional documents:
Minutes: A report of the Interim Section 151 Officer was presented to
provide information on items scheduled in the work plan for consideration at
the meeting. Under the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Regulations
2013, Administering Authorities were required to prepare, maintain and publish: “a written statement setting out its policy concerning
communications with: (a) members; (b) representatives of members; (c) prospective members; and (d) Scheme employers.” The statement should set out the Administering Authority’s
policy on: “(a) the provision of information and publicity about the
Scheme to members, representatives of members and Scheme employers; (b) the format, frequency and method of distributing such
information or publicity; And (c) the promotion of the Scheme to prospective members and
their employers.” The statement should be revised and published following a
“material change” in the policy. The Pension Fund’s communications policy was published on
the Pension Fund website and a copy was enclosed at Appendix B to the submitted
report. The policy was last updated and approved by the Pension Fund Committee
in December 2021 and was due to be reviewed every three years. The Communication Policy listed different communication
methods for different stakeholders and the details were provided at paragraph
7.1 of the submitted report. Examples of the following sample scheme member and employer
communications were included in Appendix C to the submitted report: • Annual
Benefit Statement for an active member. • Annual
Benefit Statement for a deferred member. • Retirement
options letter. • Employer
Bulletin (on revised contribution bands). • Expression
of Wish Form. • Pension
Commencement Letter. • Pensions
Savings Statement (issued to active members who have exceeded or are likely to
exceed the HMRC annual allowance for pensions saving). AGREED that the information provided was received and noted. |
31 March 2022 Final Actuarial Valuation Report Minutes: A copy of the final valuation
report had been published at the end of March 2023 and was presented to the
Board for information. The valuation set the employer
contribution rates for scheme employers for the three year period starting 1
April 2023. The valuation outcome at a whole
Fund level had been positive, with the funding level improving slightly from
around 115% to around 116%, largely because of investment returns significantly
above the level forecast at the last valuation.
Although the value of the Fund had increased by around £1 billion or 25%
in the three years since the last valuation, an increase to the expected future
inflation rate and a reduction in expected future investment returns had meant
the value of liabilities and the future cost of providing scheme benefits had
also increased significantly. The main tax-raising employers in
the Fund would see an increase in their employer contribution rate for the
three years up to the next valuation. At
the end of the three years their employer rates would have increased by 1.5% of
pensionable pay. It was highlighted that
these employers would still be paying some of the lowest employer contribution
rates in the LGPS nationally, partly as a consequence of the Fund’s ongoing
funding surplus. As at the last valuation, prudence was being applied by the
Fund by reducing expectations of the level of future investment returns. The valuation report had been
published on the Fund website, with a link circulated to all employers and
other relevant parties including Committee and Teesside Pension Board Members. AGREED that the report was received and noted. |
XPS Administration Report Additional documents: Minutes: A report was presented to provide an overview of
administration services provided to the Teesside Pension Fund by XPS
Administration. The report provided information on the following: • Overview • Member
Movement • Member Self
Service • Pension
Regulator Data Scores • Customer
Service • Completed
Cases Overview • Completed
Cases by Month • Complaints. The following issues were highlighted: The Lifetime Allowance had been capped and XPS were updating
their systems to accommodate this change. The CARE Evaluation had now been pushed back in the tax year
to 6 April. This was so that annual
allowances would not be applied to the benefit increase for 2023. Membership movement was similar to the last quarter. It was confirmed that the next At Ease newsletter would be
published in June. AGREED that the information provided was received and noted. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered Minutes: None. |