Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall
Contact: Chris Lunn
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes - Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel - 14 April 2021 Minutes: The minutes of the Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 14 April 2021 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Overview of Service Area Verbal
Report The
Director of Adult Social Care and Health Integration, Erik Scollay, will be in
attendance to provide the Panel with an overview of the main service areas
within its remit and an outline of priorities, key issues and challenges for
the year ahead. Minutes: The Director of Adult Social Care and Health
Integration was in attendance to provide an overview of the service area. The Director made reference to the operation
of Adult Social Care in relation to strategic priorities, which were built into
the Council’s Strategic Plan; directorate priorities, which were also visible
through the Strategic Plan; and to current key issues. Prior to detailing the current key issues to
the Panel, the Director responded to a number of questions that Members had. A lengthy discussion ensued in relation to
Adult Social Care finance and the provision of services, which covered the
following matters/topics: ·
budget setting process for Adult Social Care and how the figures were
calculated in terms of the Council’s input, together with individual
contributions (i.e. means testing). ·
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the increasing number of temporary
residential care placements that needed to be finalised with permanent
arrangements, and an inflation in some community care package costs. It was envisaged that following what had been
a very peculiar year, which had offered some savings through a reduction in the
number of people in residential care, this year would be artificially more
expensive as a consequence of dealing with people in the wrong place, and the
recovery costs. Work was currently
taking place in relation to the impact of COVID-19 and projecting for the year
ahead. It was explained that the
underspend from last year would provide a ‘recovery reserve’ of almost £1.6m
this year, which would be available to help manage any unpredicted costs that
may arise. This year would be
complicated and require very close financial monitoring. ·
demographics in terms of means testing and the financial support that the
Council provided for residential care placements. ·
current state of Adult Social Care nationally and the anticipated release of a
Government Green Paper in this regard. ·
of care homes and the commissioning of care services. ·
of value for money and the appropriate level of quality for the Council and
residents (reference was made to a piece of work currently being undertaken in
respect of Levick Court, which was the only residential unit owned by the Council,
and achieving best value of money for that). ·
of care homes, i.e. external regulation and internal regulation. It was explained that the Care Quality
Commission (CQC) was the external regulating body and the inspectorate of care
homes, which in effect provided license to operate and monitored
standards. The Council shared
intelligence with the CQC and worked with them.
From an internal perspective, the Council operated its own quality
marker, whereby Contracts and Commissioning Officers would carry-out
inspections against contractual terms, which resulted in star ratings and
subsequent differential charging rates (depending upon the facilities that care
homes had). Reference was also made to
monitoring care homes from a safeguarding perspective, i.e. responding to any
concerns raised. · With regards to the current state of Adult Social Care nationally and the need for reform, reference was made to the ... view the full minutes text for item 21/3 |
Setting the Scrutiny Panel's Work Programme 2021/2022 Minutes: The Democratic Services Officer submitted a
report, the purpose of which was to assist Members of the Panel to consider and
agree its work programme for the 2021-2022 Municipal Year. A list of topical issues and the suggestions
received in respect of the Scrutiny Panel's remit were contained in the
submitted report. It was suggested that
the Scrutiny Panel should select a maximum of two topics for full review, along
with several short topics and updates. It was noted that there was one review
from the previous year to be completed: ‘Support for Carers’. The Director of Adult Social Care and Health
Integration was in attendance at the meeting and provided additional
information as requested by Panel Members. Members discussed the information provided
by Officers at the meeting, the topics suggested in the report and suggestions
received from Councillors. Following discussion, the Panel Members
agreed the following topics for review: Main Topics: 1. Adult Social Care Finance – Residential
Care and ensuring Value for Money 2. The Role of the Voluntary Community
Sector (VCS) in Supporting Adult Social Care (with a focus on COVID-19
recovery) 3. Support for Carers (postponed from
2020-2021) Short Reviews/Information/Updates: 4. Adult Day Care Services 5. Ageing Better Middlesbrough (ABM) –
Update and Future / Legacy Planning. Following discussion regarding an
appropriate timeframe to recommence the postponed ‘Support for Carers’
investigation, it was agreed that this would be revisited at the end of the Municipal
Year if time permitted, or placed on the 2022-2023 Work Programme if not. The suggestion regarding ‘Incontinence
Services’ would be referred to the Health Scrutiny Panel for consideration in
respect of its work programme. AGREED that: 1. The information provided was received
and noted. 2. The topics listed at 1 to 5 above, would
be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Board for approval. 3. The topic of ‘Incontinence Services’
would be referred to the Health Scrutiny Panel for consideration in respect of
its work programme. |
Proposed Meeting Schedule 2021/2022 Minutes: A proposed schedule of meeting dates
for the Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel for the 2021-2022
Municipal Year was submitted for the Panel's consideration. AGREED that the proposed meeting dates for 2021-2022 were approved. |
Overview and Scrutiny Board - Update Minutes: The Chair provided a verbal update on the matters that were considered
at the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting on 29 June 2021. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: None. |