Venue: Spencer room
Contact: Susie Blood
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. |
Additional documents: |
Integration of Health and Social Care- Verbal Update Standard item- the Director of Adult Social Care and Health Integration will be invited to present an update if there are any items which are of significant interest to the Panel. |
Recruitment and Retention of Staff within Adult Social Care Following the Scrutiny Panel’s 2022 review, Members will receive an update from the Director of Adult Social Care and Health Integration on progress made since the recommendations.
The Panel’s final report and service response have been attached for information. Additional documents: |
Prevention Services in Middlesbrough- Next steps The Chair will address the Panel in respect to the next steps for the Panel’s review on Prevention Services in Middlesbrough. |
Chair's Overview and Scrutiny Board Update The Chair will provide a verbal update in respect the items raised at the Overview and Scrutiny Board on 7 February 2024. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. |