Venue: Virtual
Contact: Susie Blood
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes- Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel - 10 February 2021 PDF 310 KB Minutes: The minutes of the Adult Social Care and Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 10 February 2021 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Support for Carers- Further background information PDF 273 KB Lynn Beevers, Principal
Social Worker & Service Lead (Adults) and Christine Walker, Commissioing Officer,
will provide further information to the Panel. Minutes: The Chair welcomed Lynn Beevers,
Principal Social Worker & Service Lead (Adults) and Christine Walker, Commissioning
Officer to the meeting. Following the Panel’s meeting on 10 February
2021, the Panel wished to gain further background information in relation to
support for carers. Prior to the meeting, the Panel had submitted a
number of questions to the service areas and these were addressed in turn: 1. Could you provide the panel with the number of Carers in
Middlesbrough, including an age breakdown of these carers. What age is a Carer
considered an Adult? Data management teams have been tasked with
providing comprehensive info that will be shared once available on: ·
Ward ·
Age groups ·
Ethnicity ·
Service area – of the person they care for o
Mental health o
LD o
Physical o
Dementia o
Elderly/Frail o
Parent Carers For
information, during the first 9 months of the current financial year the adult
social care workforce database records showed that the social care workforce
completed 706 Carers Assessments, with a further 1940 assessments offered during
that time, but declined by the Carer. However they may take up the offer of an
assessment further down the line. Carers
Together who currently provide the commissioned support service for adult
carers carried out 134 assessments.
These carers presented themselves to Carers Together who, at present
carry out assessments for these carers on behalf of the council. The new South Tees commission will remove
this function and all assessments will be the responsibility of the council Carers
considered adults at 18yrs 2.
are Carers identified and what are is the process for assessment for Carers pre
Covid and now? The Care Act 2014 put in-place significant rights
for Carers in England including:
Social Workers receive referrals from Carers’
themselves either directly via the council, from commissioned services and also
when undertaking assessments for the cared for person. The
Panel were made aware that the Council know from national data that only
a small percentage of carers are known to councils. Carers
may not identify themselves as such, for a variety of reasons, and would be
classed as ‘hidden’. Some of the reasons they are hidden include: ·
is part of what they do for their family and/or friends ·
is normal within their culture to care for family and friends and not seen as
exceptional or something they would seek support for from statutory or other
services ·
may be anxious of scrutiny from public authorities for a variety of reasons,
unrelated to caring roles ·
may fear or have experience of a blame culture, where they have been made to
feel that they are to blame for the situation of the cared for person or their
own circumstances Once a Carer is identified, a Separate Carers Assessment is offered so that the Council can better understand the impact of caring, and ... view the full minutes text for item 20/46 |
Support for Carers- Draft terms of reference PDF 113 KB The Panel
is asked to consider the draft terms of reference in respect to the review of
Support for older carers. Minutes: The Panel
were presented with the draft terms of reference in respect to the review on
support for older carers. However,
following agenda distribution and from information presented in the meeting, the
Panel Panel learnt that there
was to be a large scale South Tees Carers procurement process which would be
completed by October 2021. The panel therefore agreed there would be little
value at considering the support for carers at this stage and would relook at
this issue after the procurement process was completed. AGREED- That the
review on support for carers be revisited at a later date. |
Chair's OSB Update The Chair
will provide a verbal update from the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting held
on 11 February 2021. Minutes: The Chair provided
a verbal update of the issues addressed at the Overview and Scrutiny Board on
11 February 2021. AGREED-
That the update be noted. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: No items. |