No. |
Item |
21/14 |
Declarations of Interest
To receive
any declarations of interest.
There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting.
21/15 |
Minutes - Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel - 1 September 2021 PDF 145 KB
The minutes of the Adult Social Care and
Services Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 1 September 2021 were submitted and
approved as a correct record.
21/16 |
Integration of Health and Social Care - Verbal Update
The Director of Adult Social Care and Health Integration
will provide the panel with a verbal update regarding the integration of health
and social care.
21/17 |
Ageing Better Middlesbrough (ABM) - Update and Future/Legacy Planning
ABM's Chief
Executive and Programme Manager will be in attendance at the meeting to provide
an update regarding work undertaken to date, and to discuss plans for the
Ageing Better Middlesbrough’s Programme Manager and Middlesbrough and
Stockton Mind’s Chief Executive Officer delivered a presentation to the panel,
which covered the following topics:
- Ageing Better Middlesbrough – Recap; a
review of the (initially 6-year) £6m National Lottery Community Funded
programme that had operated since 2015 and which, owing to the pandemic,
had been extended until March 2022.
The programme, which worked to reduce loneliness and isolation for
people aged 50+ in Middlesbrough, was a partnership of organisations led
by Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind and managed by a Core Partnership,
including older people and stakeholders.
It was indicated that a lot of positive work had been carried-out
to date, with key learning achieved.
Members heard of the activities being undertaken, including a more
focused approach towards 1:1 services in response to the pandemic; mental
health therapy; digital inclusion; intergenerational activity; and falls
partnership work.
- Festival of Ageing Better – over 130
individuals had attended the event between 20 September 2021 and 20
October 2021; the first in-person event since the start of the pandemic.
- Age Friendly: Capacity Building – this
was the primary project currently being worked on to assist with Ageing
Better Middlesbrough’s legacy planning.
In partnership with Middlesbrough Council, Public Health, the NHS and
the Voluntary and Community Sector, Ageing Better had developed a ‘Get
Ready for Age Friendly Middlesbrough’ training programme, together with a
suite of awareness training in respect of matters such as sensory,
dementia, falls and digital inclusion.
- Age Friendly Middlesbrough Consultation
– to assist with the development of the programme, both a digital and
paper consultation document / survey had been created; over 250 responses
had been received to date. It was
indicated that a link to the digital survey would be circulated to
Councillors after the meeting.
- Legacy – Age Friendly Middlesbrough –
Public Health’s vision was “To make Middlesbrough an Age Friendly Town,
where people of all ages can live healthy and active lives. Where people can continue to stay in
their homes, participate in the activities that they value, and contribute
to their communities, for as long as possible”. To create an age friendly community, it
was explained that eight components needed to work together:
Transportation; Housing; Social Participation; Respect and Social
Inclusion; Civic Participation and Employment; Communication and
Information; Community Support; and Health Service, Outdoor Spaces and
- World Health Organisation (WHO) Process
– it was explained that to gain status or ‘stamp approval’ by the WHO, an
application would need to be submitted prior to the end of the Ageing
Better Middlesbrough programme in March 2022. The process, which included co-designing
the programme with older people and viewing policies and services through
the lens of an older person, as well as gaining political support, was
outlined to the panel.
- ‘Centre for Ageing Better’ – a short
video was played to Members.
- ‘Please, have a seat’ project – Members
heard that this initiative encouraged places and businesses to offer seats to people (not
necessarily older people) whilst they were away ... view the full minutes text for item 21/17
21/18 |
Overview and Scrutiny Board Update
The Chair will provide a verbal update on matters considered
at the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 8 September 2021.
The Chair provided
a verbal update on the matters that were considered at the Overview and
Scrutiny Board meeting held on 8 September 2021.
21/19 |
Date of Next Meeting - 10 November 2021
The next meeting of the Adult Social Care
and Services Scrutiny Panel had been scheduled for 10 November 2021.
A Member made reference to verbal reports
that had been provided at several different Committee meetings recently and
requested that, where possible, written reports be provided in future.
21/20 |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered.
21/21 |
Exclusion of the Press and Public
To consider passing a Resolution Pursuant
to Section 100A(4) Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1972 excluding the
press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following item on
the grounds that if present there would be disclosure to them of exempt
information falling within paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act and
the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest
in disclosing the information.
The resolution to exclude the press and the public was
21/22 |
Update: Aster Care Home
Head of Strategic Commissioning and Procurement provided an update in respect
of Aster Care Home.