Venue: Spencer Room
Contact: Susie Blood
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes- Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel - 29 March 2023 Minutes: Item deferred. |
An Introduction to Adult Social Care and Services Erik Scollay, Director of Adult Social Care and Health Integration will be in attendance to provide an overview of the work undertaken in Adult Social Care. The Director will also provide an outline of priorities, key issues and
challenges for the year ahead. The Panel will also have an opportunity meet service managers of the service directorate. Minutes: The Chair
welcomed the panel to the first meeting of the municipal year and a round of
introductions was provided. In attendance was Erik Scollay, Director of Adult social
care and Heath integration, who had been asked to provide a briefing in
relation to the service area, including key strategic priorities and challenges
for the coming year. The Director advised that he also had a statutory
responsibility for Director of Adult social service (DASS). The
Director provided the panel with an overview of the following: 1. Adult social care and public protection
teams- who we are, what we do. 2. Overview of basic legislation 3. Current key issues. Adult social care and public protection
teams- who we are, what we do. The Panel were advised that in terms of
staff, the service had approximately 550 staff, with 115 full time social
workers. The service has a small senior staff team, consisting of the
following: 1. Judith Hedgley, Head of Public
Protection, 2. Ruth Musicka, Head of Access and
Safeguarding 3. Suzanne Hodge, Head of Prevention,
Provider and Support Services 4. VACANT - Head of Specialist and Lifelong
services. Sarah Disbury from North Yorkshire would be joining the Council in
the next few months. 5. Aside to the Heads of service for adult
social care were two further officer. Mark Adams, Director of Public Health
(Public Health South Tees) and Kathryn
Warnock, South Tees Integration Programme Manager. The Heads
of service were in attendance and introduced themselves to the panel. They
advised that they would return at a later date if requested by the panel. The
Director advised the panel of the Directorate teams: •
Work Teams – Access, Adult Safeguarding, East and West Locality Teams, Hospital
at JCUH, LD and Transitions, Older People’s Mental Health, Psychosis, Affective
Disorder, Forensics, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Team (BIAs), Approved
Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) •
Team •
Community Equipment Service •
Therapy Team •
- Homelessness Team, Rough Sleeper Support and Domestic Abuse Support •
Residential Respite – Levick Court •
Day Care – The Orchard, North Ormesby Resource Centre,
Community Inclusion Service, Autism Day Unit •
Independent Living Services – Staying Put Agency,
Connect and Assistive Tech, Staying Included, Rekindle Digital Inclusion,
Independence Hub, Blue Badge, Sensory Loss Service, Reablement Service,
Hospital to Home •
Landlord Licensing Team •
Public Protection - Environmental Health, Trading Standards, Housing Standards
Team •
Service Overview of basic legislation In terms of legal literacy, the Director
advised the panel that the service area work with many, however they are two
fundamental Acts which underpin the work within adult social care: 1. The Care Act 2014 (including the wellbeing principle for
eligibility) The Care Act 2014 came into effect in
April 2015 and replaced most previous laws regarding both carers and people
being cared for. The Care Act outlines: · the way in which local authorities should carry out carers’ assessments and needs assessments (for the looked after person) ... view the full minutes text for item 23/3 |
Next steps- items for the next meeting Minutes: The Chair advised the panel that at the next meeting of the panel, the Democratic services officers would be working with the panel to discuss possible scrutiny topics for the next municiple year. The panel would have an opporunity to put forward suggestions, as well as accessing the information that has been provided by the Director. |
Proposed Schedule of meetings 2023/24 The panel is asked to note the report and approve the proposed schedule of dates for the municipal year 2023/24. Minutes: A proposed meeting schedule, for the Adult Social
Care and Services Scrutiny Panel, was submitted for the scrutiny panel's
consideration. AGREED That the
proposed meeting schedule, for 2023/24, be approved. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: No Items. |