Venue: Spencer Room
Contact: Susie Blood
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes- Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel - 12 September 2023 Minutes: The minutes of the Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny meeting held on 12 September 2023 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Integration of Health and Social Care - Verbal Update. Minutes: No Items. |
Scrutiny work programme- further discussion The panel will have a further discussion regarding the work
programme for the municipal year. Minutes: The Chair advised that at the last meeting of the Panel, the work programme had been discussed and agreed. Due to prior meetings, the Director of Place was not present during the discussion and as a matter of courtesy had been consulted upon to ensure the topics suggested would add value to service delivery. After further discussion with the Panel, it was agreed that Hospital discharge would not be examined. This was because comprehensive plans were already in place and they would be little value in examining further. The additional items on the work programme would remain and investigated through the municipal year. AGRRED- That the work programme be amended to exclude Hospital Discharge. |
Care Homes- Setting the scene and further investigation Louise
Grabham, Head of Strategic Commissioning & Procurement will be in attendance
to provide a setting the scene with regards to the panels review of Care homes. The
Panel is also asked to Scrutiny review workplan which contains draft terms of
reference for the review. Minutes: At the last meeting
of the Panel, they had agreed to consider Care homes and consider their
accessibility. As way of
background, the Head of Strategic Commissioning advised that the Strategic
Commissioning and Procurement Team were responsible for commissioning a range
of Adult Social Care Services, including Home Care, Residential Care,
Independent Supported Living Services, Temporary Accommodation, Domestic Abuse
Refuge Services and Complex Care and Support Services. This ensures value for
money through thorough fee negotiations and partnership working with
neighbouring local authorities, benefitting from economies of scale and
intelligence sharing. The panel learnt
that Middlesbrough Council commission 28 older persons residential homes in
Middlesbrough, 10 of which also able to deliver nursing care. The Council also
commission several other, more specialist, residential placements, including
for those with a learning disability, mental health condition, or those who
require a forensic service. Middlesbrough have
one ‘in house’ residential service – Levick Court,
which is registered for up to 16 service users, with 8 current residents. Our Contract
Monitoring Officers inspect our services to ensure they are delivering safe,
effective care in line with their statutory responsibilities and our contracts.
They work in conjunction with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and
safeguarding team to quality assure. The
Council has no jurisdiction to close a care home if it feels it does not meet
criteria set out by the CQC, however shares intelligence if the Council has any
concerns. In terms of
accessibility of care homes, the Panel were advised that: In each phase of
the creation of a new care home, or the conversion or development of an
existing building, inclusive design principles must be considered from the
outset. Every effort should be made to ensure that a care home is accessible to
all residents and visitors, and their accessibility requirements will vary: •
Accessibility, in practice, means different
things to different groups of people. Those who are physically disabled or frail will have different accessibility
requirements to those with sensory, neurological or cognitive conditions. •
Guidance can be contradictory, for example, on
mirrors in elevators. The placement of a mirror helps a wheelchair user to back
in or out of the lift safely without having to turn, helping to prevent
accidents. However, NHS guidance advises removing or covering mirrors, as for
some living with dementia, seeing a reflection they fail to recognise can cause
anxiety, anger, or terror. In designing a new
care home, there are a number of factors to take into
consideration: ·
Legislative context ·
Reasonable adjustments ·
Building regulations ·
British standards ·
Inclusive design ·
Individual need ·
CQC Fundamental Standards Compliance ·
CQC Key Questions The Panel were
provided with the below information: Legislative
Context Adequate access to
buildings and services is a requirement of the following legislation: •
Equality Act 2010 •
Building Regulations The Equality Act 2010 consolidated all previous discrimination law relating to buildings access, including the Disability Discrimination Act ... view the full minutes text for item 22/19 |
Chair's OSB Update Minutes: Item deferred. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: Work Programme Following a discussion with the Panel, it was agreed that at the next meeting, they would receive a setting the scene presentation on the Prevention and the services provided within Adult social care.
Date of next meeting The next meeting of the Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel will meet on Tuesday 21 November 2023. Minutes: The next meeting of the Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel would take place on 21 November 2023. |