Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Chris Lunn
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest received at this point in the
meeting. |
Minutes - Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel - 30 March 2022 PDF 233 KB Minutes: The minutes of the Adult
Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 30 March 2022 were
submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Integration of Health and Social Care - Verbal Update The Director of Adult Social Care and Health Integration will provide the panel with a verbal update regarding the integration of health and social care. Minutes: The Director of Adult Social Care and Health
Integration provided Members with an update regarding the integration of Health
and Social Care; the following points were made:
Ageing well; -
Sustainability (with a large focus on workforce challenge); -
Hospital discharge and admission avoidance; -
Mental health; and -
Prevention and inequalities. It was explained that these
themes would be regularly referenced in local inter-agency meetings because
they had emerged from work undertaken with the CCG, colleagues in the VCS, and
Public Health. It was felt that this
approach would also facilitate joint working locally within the ICS. During the discussion that followed, a Member queried the progress of the transition from the CCG to the ICS arrangement and whether any issues had been either envisaged or experienced. In response, the Director indicated that, at present, the senior officers within the ICS had been appointed, which included the accountable officers who would work with the respective local authorities for the various geographical areas. It was indicated that not all of the final appointments had been made for the senior ... view the full minutes text for item 22/3 |
Adult Social Care - An Overview The Director of Adult Social Care and Health Integration will provide
the panel with an overview of the main service areas within Adult Social Care’s
remit, and outline the priorities, key issues and challenges for the year
ahead. Minutes: The Director of Adult Social Care and Health
Integration was in attendance to provide an overview of the service area. Reference was made to the operation of Adult Social
Care in relation to its structure and profile.
The Director outlined the various teams and services that comprised it;
identified the relevant Executive portfolios; and highlighted such matters as:
community inclusion; equipment service support; independent care services and
commissioning to external providers; and support provided by the Voluntary and
Community Sector. A Member made reference to the work of the Estate
team and queried whether direct payments were included within this. In response, it was indicated that they were
not included. The Director explained
that Middlesbrough Council was one of the earlier authorities to embrace this
approach, which had become a normal part of the support plans that all Social
Workers put in place. The work of the
Estate team was narrower than that. With regards to challenges facing the service area
this year, Members heard that these included:
Charging reform, which related to how individuals paid for their
care. Proposals had been made by the
government and plans to respond to this were currently being devised. A project plan was being led by the Head of
Resident and Business Support; the Director chaired a reform board. It was explained that a substantial increase
to staffing resources in responding to the reforms would be required; however,
staffing was currently an issue for all Local Authorities. It was felt that there would be a significant
funding challenge around this, particularly in areas where there was a high
number of self-funders (Middlesbrough did not fall into that). ·
Fair Cost of Care – the service area had been mandated to undertake an
exercise, which related to a payment framework for care providers and examining
the real cost of care provision (e.g. rising utility, insurance, fuel and food
costs). There was a requirement to
report the outcome of this work to the government by October 2022. Consideration was given to the cost of care
provision in Middlesbrough in comparison to other areas, and potential
pressures that this could cause.
Reference was made to the Medium Term Financial Plan and related
considerations within this. · Care Quality Commission (CQC) Assurance Framework and the future inspection regime; the full framework was currently awaited. It was indicated that from April 2023, the CQC would start a benchmarking process and operate a two-year inspection cycle. Reference was made to inspections undertaken over the last 12 years; the austerity period and current demands. Activities including short peer reviews and discussions with Children's Services around service improvement and lessons learned would be taking place over the summer, which would assist with work around self-evaluation and awareness. A former director had also ... view the full minutes text for item 22/4 |
Setting the Scrutiny Panel's Work Programme - 2022/2023 PDF 294 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Democratic Services Officer submitted a report,
the purpose of which was to assist Members in considering and agreeing the
panel’s work programme for the 2022/2023 Municipal Year. A list of topical issues and the suggestions
received in respect of the scrutiny panel's remit were contained in the
submitted report. It was suggested that
the scrutiny panel should select a maximum of two topics for full review, along
with several short topics and updates.
It was noted that there was one review from the previous year to be
completed: ‘The Role of the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) in
Supporting Adult Social Care (with a focus on Covid-19 Recovery)’. The Director of Adult Social Care and Health
Integration provided additional information and some further topical and update
suggestions to Members, which included the provision of statistical data in
relation to service demand. Members discussed the information provided by
officers at the meeting, the topics suggested in the report, and the
suggestions made by those Councillors present, which included ‘Hospital
Discharge’ and ‘Charging Reforms and Fair Cost of Care’. Following discussion, Members agreed the following
items for the 2022/2023 Work Programme: Main Topics: 1. ‘The
Role of the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) in Supporting Adult Social
Care (with a focus on Covid-19 Recovery)’ - current review topic (work to
continue from the next meeting - 7 September 2022); and 2. ‘Hospital
Discharge’ (final title TBC in due course, but the review will focus on the
impact of the cost of care and the impact of care worker recruitment on
hospital discharge and the Council’s Adult Social Care services. The
impact on lone adults will also be assessed as a supplementary ‘feed in’ area
of focus). Updates: 1. Integration
of Health and Social Care (standard agenda item); 2. A
performance report in respect of increases in service demand will be provided
on a quarterly basis. As reporting systems and processes are currently
being reviewed, this will commence from Autumn/Winter 2022; 3. Charging
Reforms and Fair Cost of Care – updates to be provided as work progresses; and 4. Previous
scrutiny review – ‘The Recruitment and Retention of Staff Within
Adult Social Care’. AGREED that:
Overview and Scrutiny Board Update The Chair will present a verbal update on the matters that were
considered at the meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 27 April
2022 and 11 May 2022. Minutes: The Chair provided a verbal update on the matters
that were considered at the Overview and Scrutiny Board meetings held on 27
April 2022, 11 May 2022 and 22 June 2022.
Proposed Meeting Schedule 2022/2023 PDF 93 KB Minutes: A
proposed schedule of meeting dates for the Adult Social Care and Services
Scrutiny Panel for the 2022/2023 Municipal Year was submitted for Members’
consideration. A
brief discussion ensued with regards to the venue for the meetings and whether
or not these would be held virtually or in person. Further updates would be provided in due
course. AGREED that
the proposed meeting dates for 2022/2023 were approved. |