Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Joanne Dixon
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest made by Members at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the Children and Young People’s
Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel held on 9 November 2020 were submitted
and approved as a correct record. The Chair welcomed Councillor Higgins who had joined as a Member of the Panel, replacing Councillor Wright. |
Sufficiency & Permanency (Perceptions of Children in Care) - Further Information PDF 2 MB The Executive Director and
relevant Officers from Children's Services will be in attendance at the meeting
to provide further information in relation to Futures for Families, Innovate Team
and External Placements. (To Follow) Minutes: S Butcher, Executive Director of
Children’s Services, R Farnham, Director of Children’s Care, P Jemson, Head of
Children Looked After and Corporate Parenting, and R Hamer, Service Manager for
Futures for Families, were in attendance at the meeting to provide the Panel
with information in relation to its current scrutiny topic, with particular
focus on Futures for Families and the Innovate Team. The presentation began with an overview
of the children looked after cohort up to 31 October and their journey over the
past 12 months. 296 children had a new episode of
becoming looked after during this period.
Some children might have come in and out of care more than once. 10% (29) of the cohort became looked after
for a second time or more. 67% of those
children were subject to a Child Protection Plan prior to coming into
care. This meant that 33% became looked
after having no previous child protection involvement. 44.9% had multiple referrals prior to
them becoming looked after – “start again syndrome” where children are referred
in, then the case was closed once the parenting/home situation improved to an acceptable standard. Once social work involvement ceased,
standards could deteriorate again resulting in repeated referrals and
assessments. 34% had Early Help intervention prior to
becoming looked after. That means 65%
had no Early Help intervention. 18% (53) who became looked after in last
12 months were no longer in the local authority’s care. 28.3% moved on to a Special Guardianship
Order; 32% exited on a child arrangement order; 19% were planned or unplanned
moves home with parents or person with parental responsibility and 1.9% stopped
being ‘looked after’ as they reached the age of 18 – although work was
continued with care leavers. 82% (243) of children who became looked
after in the last 12 months (of the 293) remained in the authority’s care. Of those 243 children, 75% remained in short
term foster care. 0.4% were in long term
foster care. 17% were placed with
parents/persons with PR on a care order.
5.8% were placed in residential homes, supported accommodation or
hostels. Futures for Families R Hamer, Service Manager, Futures for
Families, was in attendance to inform the Panel about Futures for Families and
progress to date. The Panel was informed that Futures for
Families ‘went live’ in September 2020.
During September, Futures for Families provided edge of care support to
14 young people in fragile placements and provided in-reach support from the
hub to three young people. In October
the number of young people in fragile placements supported by Futures for
Families increased to 38 and the hub provided in-reach support to four young
people. In November, 39 fragile
placements were supported and five young people were provided with in-reach
support by the hub. In response to a query, it was clarified that a ‘fragile’ placement was a difficult placement where the child/young person and/or foster carers were struggling and the placement was at risk of breaking down. Futures for Families was ... view the full minutes text for item 20/24 |
Overview and Scrutiny Board Update The Chair will provide a verbal update on business conducted at the meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Board meetings held on 20 November and 3 December 2020. Minutes: A verbal update was provided in relation to the business conducted at
the Overview and Scrutiny Board meetings held on 20 November and 3 December
2020, namely:- 20 November 2020 Call-In – Future Accommodation. 3 December 2020 ·
Forward Work Programme. ·
Council’s Response to Covid-19 Response – Chief Executive & Director of
Public Health. ·
Member update – Executive Member for Environment (Councillor McCabe) ·
Panel Chairs’ Updates. AGREED that the information provided be noted. |
Date and Time of Next Meeting - 18 January 2021 at 4.00pm Minutes: The next meeting of the Children and Young People’s Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel was scheduled for Monday, 18 January 2021 at 4.00pm. |