Venue: Virtual
Contact: Joanne Dixon
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest made by
Members at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes: The minutes of the previous
meeting of the Children and Young People’s Social Care and Services Scrutiny
Panel held on 21 March 2022 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Locality Working from a Children's Services Perspective - Draft Final Report (To Follow) Recommendation: That the Panel considers the content of the draft Final Report and agrees conclusions and recommendations for submission to the Executive. Minutes: The
Panel was asked to consider the Draft Final Report on its review ‘Locality
Working from a Children’s Services Perspective, a copy of which was circulated
prior to the meeting. In
relation to the report, the following queries were raised:- ·
6, paragraph 35 – it was queried how many residents had completed the surveys
referred to. The Head of Stronger
Communities advised that several surveys were conducted at different points in
time and that numbers would vary, however, this information could be provided
to the Panel. ·
10, paragraph 58 – reference was made to the views of early help practitioners
that there were not enough workers to meet demand and it was queried whether
that was still the case. The Executive
Director stated she was mindful of limitations on staff but did not feel that
demand had risen to increase caseloads excessively. ·
11, paragraph 62 – reference was made to the statement that based on the
information provided to the Panel, it appeared that early help was not as
successful in Newport as it was in North Ormesby. The Executive Director advised that at the
time the information was provided to the Panel it was correct, however, things
had moved on since November and she was not aware of this level of disparity
now. Proposed
conclusions were circulated to Members prior to the meeting and were agreed as
follows:- a)
Panel feels that, despite some delays mainly due to the pandemic, the locality
working pilot programmes in Newport and North Ormesby
are working well and are making good progress. b)
notes that the locality model has had a positive impact in both areas,
including:- ·
a reduction in anti-social behaviour and
crime. ·
a significant increase in the number of
residents who report feeling safer, both during the day and at night. ·
increase in the number of people who state they intend to continue living in
the area for longer ·
improvements in the physical environment. c)
its review, the Panel spoke to a wide range of services and organisations
involved in locality working. It appears
that the concept of locality working is having a positive impact in general and
more specifically on children and families living in the localities. The majority of partners feel that the
multi-agency approach is beneficial and has improved working relationships and
dialogue between partners and the community resulting in positive outcomes. However, the Panel found some instances where
partners are less aware of the locality model and did not have full awareness
of all the partners involved. For
example, a mixed report from primary schools in the areas – with Newport
reporting a positive impact through locality working - particularly in relation
to Early Help and Neighbourhood Safety – and North Ormesby
reporting a lack of awareness of the model.
The Panel has since received reassurance from the Director of Children’s
Services that awareness of the model in North Ormesby
has been improved. d) Both Newport and North ... view the full minutes text for item 21/55 |
Sufficiency, Permanency & Perceptions of Children in Care - Draft Final Report (To Follow) Recommendation: That the Panel considers the content of the draft Final Report and agrees conclusions and recommendations for submission to the Executive. Additional documents: Minutes: The
Panel was asked to consider the Draft Final Report on its review ‘Sufficiency
and Permanency (Perceptions of Children in Care)’, a copy of which was
circulated prior to the meeting. In addition,
an Addendum report, updating on the key points within the main report, was also
submitted. Proposed
conclusions were circulated to Members prior to the meeting and were agreed as
follows:- a)
Panel wishes to acknowledge that due to the need for Children’s Services to
improve with urgency and pace, significant progress has been made since the
Panel commenced its review. This is
supported by the Department for Education’s Children’s Commissioner
recommending that Children’s Services in Middlesbrough no longer required
oversight by the Commissioner and was endorsed by the Minister for Children and
Families in July 2021. b)
Panel also acknowledges that improvements were made despite significant demand
on services coupled with the Covid pandemic which
called for alternative and inventive ways of working. c)
Panel recognises that whilst the number of children looked after in
Middlesbrough remains high, it has significantly reduced – with a 19.5%
reduction during the period November 2020 to November 2021. d)
Panel feels reassured that since the start of its review, significant
improvements have been made across Children’s Services in Middlesbrough, with
the following areas most recently noted as having improved by Ofsted:- ·
managers are realistic and know their service – they are aware of progress and
areas that still require improvement. ·
Worker caseloads have begun to reduce. ·
is stronger practice in relation to immediate safeguarding concerns and in
support provision for children in need where serious concerns exist and they
are on the ‘edge of care’. ·
Workers are enthusiastic and know their children and families well and are
committed to improving their lives. e)
Panel also notes positive progress has been made in the following areas:- ·
increase in the numbers of children being adopted, where it is in their best
interests, with more Middlesbrough children being adopted than from any other
Tees Valley local authority in the last 12 months up to December 2021. Parallel planning has been improved between
Middlesbrough’s fostering service and Adoption Tees Valley. In addition, Adoption Tees Valley continues to
promote interest in adopting through continuous recruitment events managed by a
dedicated Marketing Officer. ·
significant reduction in the number of children living in connected carer
placements and an increase in the number of children whose permanency has been
secured via Special Guardianship orders. ·
A 50%
reduction in the number of children residing in Placements with Parents during
the 12 month period to August 2021. ·
significant reduction in external residential placements in the six months up
to December 2021. ·
increase in young people being placed in Middlesbrough residential provision. ·
increase in the use of in-house foster care placements as opposed to
Independent Foster Agency placements. f) The Panel is aware that there are areas of the service that require further development and is keen ... view the full minutes text for item 21/56 |
Update - Covid Recovery in Children's Services The Executive Director of Children’s Services will provide a verbal update in relation to Covid recovery in Children’s Services, where appropriate. Minutes: The Executive Director of Children’s
Services advised that there were currently no issues with availability of staff
within children’s social care. There had
been some challenges around a Covid breakout within Holly Lodge residential home,
however, this was now receding and the Service as a whole was not facing any
significant demand. AGREED that
the information provided be noted. |
Overview and Scrutiny Board Update The Chair will provide a verbal update in relation to business conducted at the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting held on 23 March 2022. Minutes: The Chair provided the Panel with a
verbal update in relation to the business conducted by the Overview and
Scrutiny Board on 23 March 2022, namely:- ·
forward work programme. ·
Member Update – Councillor Cooper, Executive Member for Environment and Finance
and Governance. ·
Executive Update. ·
Panels’ Chair’s Updates. ·
Centre Update ·
OSB meeting – Wed, 27 April 2022 at 10.00am The Chair announced that this
was the Scrutiny Panel’s final meeting of the 2021/22 Municipal Year and
thanked Members for their valuable contribution throughout the year. NOTED |