Venue: Mandela Room, Town Hall, Middlesbrough
Contact: Georgina Moore
No. | Item | |||||||||
Appointment of Chair for 2023/24 The Joint Committee will be asked to appoint a Chair (from Middlesbrough Council’s representatives). Minutes: Nominations
were sought for the appointment of a Chair of the South Tees Health Scrutiny
Joint Committee for the 2023/24 municipal year. It was advised that the Chair
needed to be selected from Middlesbrough Council’s representatives, as chairing
arrangements rotated between the two local authorities. Councillor
M Storey was nominated and seconded. AGREED - That Councillor M Storey be appointed as Chair of the South Tees Health
Scrutiny Joint Committee for the 2023/24 municipal year. |
Appointment of Vice-Chairs for 2023/24 The Joint Committee will be asked to appoint two Vice-Chairs, one from each
local authority. Minutes: Nominations
were sought for the appointment of two Vice-Chairs of the South Tees Health
Scrutiny Joint Committee for the 2023/24 municipal year. It was advised that one
Vice-Chair was required from each local authority. Councillors
J Banks (from Middlesbrough Council) and Councillor K Evans (from Redcar &
Cleveland Council) were both nominated and seconded. AGREED - That Councillors J Banks and K Evans be appointed as the Vice-Chairs
of the South Tees Health Scrutiny Joint Committee for the 2023/24 municipal
year. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Protocol for the South Tees Health Scrutiny Joint Committee The Joint Committee will be asked to consider and agree the protocol for the South Tees Health Scrutiny Joint Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The South Tees Health Scrutiny Joint Committee (STHSJC)
was asked to consider and approve the STHSJC draft protocol. The protocol was a
framework for assisting with the joint committee arrangements for carrying out
scrutiny of relevant health service providers and commissioners in
Middlesbrough and Redcar and Cleveland, under powers contained in the Health
and Social Care Act 2001, the NHS Act 2006 and the Health and Social Care Act
2012. AGREED - That the draft protocol for the South Tees
Health Scrutiny Joint Committee be approved. |
An Overview of NHS Health and Public Health The Joint Committee
will receive information on the NHS North East and
North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Public Health South Tees,
including the main duties and areas within the respective remits and an outline
of the key priorities, issues and challenges for the year ahead. Additional documents: Minutes: The South Tees Health Scrutiny
Joint Committee (STHSJC) had been scheduled to receive information on both the
NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Public Health
South Tees, including the main duties and areas within the respective remits
and an outline of the key priorities, issues and challenges for the year ahead.
However, it had been advised that unfortunately the Director of Public Health
was unable to attend the meeting, due to illness. Subsequently, the Public
Health South Tees element of the agenda item would be deferred until the next
scheduled meeting. The Director of Place Based
Delivery from the ICB was in attendance to present an overview of the
Integrated Care Partnership arrangements in North East and North Cumbria. It was advised that, from 1 July
2022, 42 ICBs had been established across England, replacing the former CCGs.
Members heard that the Integrated Care System (ICS) included all of the
organisations responsible for health and wellbeing, working together across a
region, to plan and deliver services for communities. It was commented that the ICS was not an
organisation but worked through the following bodies: ·
The Integrated Care Board (ICB), which was a statutory NHS
organisation that took on the responsibilities of the former CCGs and some of
the functions held by NHS England. The North East and North Cumbria ICB worked
with a range of partners at ‘place level’ in each of the 14 local authority
areas within its region. ·
The Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) was a joint committee of the
ICB and the 14 local authorities in the ICS area. The ICP was responsible for
developing an integrated care strategy for the ICS. The North East and North Cumbria
ICB was the largest of the 42 ICBs. At a national level, ICBs had been
set some key strategic aims by the Government, namely: 1.
Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare; 2.
Tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access; 3.
Enhance productivity and value for money; and 4.
Help the NHS support broader social and economic development. It was advised that although ICBs
were still relatively new, they would soon be subject to further change and
reorganisation. Members heard that NHS England had requested that each ICB
reviewed its operating model with an aim to reduce running costs by 30%. It was
commented that work would be undertaken to examine how each ICB could continue
to deliver its statutory responsibilities effectively but with reduced
financial resources. Members heard that the ICB’s
leadership team included a Chair, a Chief Executive and Executive Directors. It
was explained that there was a range of Partner Members, which included
representatives from local authorities, primary care and NHS foundation trusts.
In terms of the governance
framework, the ICB was responsible for the delivery of services and the ICP was
responsible for setting strategy at three levels i.e. system, area and place. It was explained that the role of the Strategic ICP complemented the work of the four Area ICPs ... view the full minutes text for item 23/5 |
Live Well South Tees Health and Wellbeing Board The Joint Committee will receive an update on the Board’s work programme, the performance framework and priority indicators. Minutes: The South Tees Integration Programme Manager was in
attendance to provide the South Tees Health Scrutiny Joint Committee (STHSJC)
with an update on the Live Well South Tees Board’s work programme, performance
framework and priority indicators. The South Tees Integration Programme Manager
advised that Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs) were formal statutory
committees of local authorities that provided a forum where political,
clinical, professional and community leaders from across the health and care system
came together to improve the health and wellbeing of the local population and
reduce health inequalities. Members heard that HWBs provided: ·
strong focus on establishing a sense of place; ·
a mechanism for joint working and improving the wellbeing of their local
population; and ·
strategic direction to improve health and wellbeing. The Live Well South Tees Board was unique as it
involved the joining of two HWBs (Redcar & Cleveland and
Middlesbrough). It was explained that
joint working had enabled the Board to establish a shared vision for the South
Tees area. Members heard that the statutory functions of HWBs
included: ·
the health and wellbeing needs of the local population and publishing a Joint
Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA); ·
a joint local health and wellbeing (HWB) strategy, setting out the priorities
for improving the health and wellbeing of its local population and how
identified needs would be addressed; ·
of Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments; and ·
sign off of the Better Care Fund, which supported local systems
to successfully deliver the integration of health and social care. It was explained that the Live Well South Tees
Board’s HWB Strategy was currently being developed, however, the Board’s vision
and aims had been utilised to inform the ICB’s priorities for the Tees Valley. Members heard that a summary of the work that had
been undertaken, from July 2022 to August 2023, was contained in the submitted
report and included detailed areas of focus and outcomes from the Board. It was advised that beyond the quarterly meetings
of the Live Well South Tees Board, work was undertaken by a wide range of
organisations, partnerships and working groups. In terms of the submitted report: ·
table contained at paragraph 3.2 provided details of the Live Well South Tees
Board’s proposed emerging work programme for the 2023/24 municipal year; and ·
4 contained information on the Board’s performance framework and priority
indicators. A Member raised a query regarding the reported outcomes of the Live Well South Tees Board. In response, the South Tees Integration Programme Manager advised that there was an infrastructure that sat beneath the Live Well South Tees Board, which ensured the delivery of key pieces of work. The Director of Place Based Delivery explained that although the Board only met on a quarterly basis, the Board provided a platform and an impetus for officers to deliver new ways of working. It was advised, for example, that in terms of Aging Well, joint work had been undertaken to develop a single point of access. That single point of ... view the full minutes text for item 23/6 |
Setting the Work Programme for 2023/24 The Joint Committee will be asked to consider and agree its work
programme for the 2023/24 municipal year. Minutes: The Democratic Services Officer presented a
report, inviting
the South Tees Health Scrutiny Joint Committee (STHSJC) to consider its work
programme for the 2023/24 municipal year. It was advised that work programmes were useful as they provided
some structure to a scrutiny committee’s activity and allowed for the effective
planning and preparation of work. Members heard that the Director of Public Health and the Director
of Place Based Delivery from the ICB had been consulted in respect of
establishing a work programme for the STHSJC. In light of
those discussions, it had been proposed that at its December meeting, the
STHSJC received an update on the Live Well South Tees Board and updates from
the ICB in respect of Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) Developments and Winter
Preparedness. At its March meeting, it was proposed that the STHSJC received an
update on the Live Well South Tees Board and information from the ICB on the
long-term clinical service model for breast services. It was recommended that the STHSJC approved the proposed work
programme for the 2023/24 municipal year. AGREED - That the proposed work programme
for the South Tees Health Scrutiny Joint Committee, in respect of the 2023/24
municipal year, be approved. |