Venue: Mandela Room, Town Hall
Contact: Joanne Dixon
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest made by Members at this point in
the meeting. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting of the Environment Scrutiny Panel held on 10 July 2023 Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the Environment Scrutiny Panel
held on 10 July 2023 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Setting the Scrutiny Panel's Work Programme - 2023/24 The
Scrutiny Panel will be asked to consider suitable topics for inclusion in its
Work Programme for 2023/24, using the prioritisation aid at Appendix 1 of the
report. Recommendation: That suitable scrutiny topics selected by the Panel be included in the Panel’s Work Programme for 2023/24 and submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Board for approval. Minutes: The Democratic
Services Officer submitted a report inviting Members to consider and agree its
Work Programme for the 2023/24 Municipal Year. The
report explained that, on 18 April 2023, the Overview and Scrutiny Board agreed
a new scrutiny structure in Middlesbrough.
Part of the new arrangements included the creation of the Environment
Scrutiny Panel. For information, the
report set out the topics covered in 2022/23 by the former Economic
Development, Environment and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel and the Culture and
Communities Scrutiny Panel, which were relevant to the new Environment Scrutiny
Panel’s remit. This also included
statutory updates which would now need to be considered by the Panel and these
were fully outlined at paragraph 5, page 13, (in the table headed “Updates”). A
list of suggested topics relevant to the Panel’s remit, received via the
scrutiny consultation process, and topical issues anticipated to be of interest
to the Panel were contained in the report. Members were advised that the
suggestions and topical issues outlined in the report were merely proposals and
the content of the work programme was entirely a decision for the Panel to make. The Panel was encouraged to
select two topics, utilising the prioritisation aid at Appendix 1, where
scrutiny could make an impact, add value or contribute
to policy development. The Panel was reminded that it
could also identify shorter 'one-off' topics and receive any relevant updates
throughout the year as it considered necessary. Paragraph
11 of the report set out the key considerations when agreeing to include a
specific topic in the work programme.
The Panel’s chosen topics for inclusion in its Work Programme would be
presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Board on 20 September 2023 for approval. The Panel held a discussion in
relation to each of the topics within the report and selected the following for
the inclusion in its Work Programme:- Review topics:- 1.
Waste Management 2.
Community Councils and Wider Community Engagement Updates:- 1.
Risk Management. 2.
Chemicals in the River Tees/Crustacean Deaths Working Group. 3.
(Regulatory Investigatory Powers). 4.
and Channel. 5.
Safety Partnership. 6.
Bikes – update on previous scrutiny topic. Regarding the
suggested topic of grass cutting, the Panel acknowledged that this was an
emotive subject and requested that a briefing be provided, by the service area,
to ALL Councillors addressing the issues raised and how these issues could be
addressed going forward. This would
enable Ward Councillors to be better placed to respond to queries from their
residents. AGREED as follows:- 1.
That the topics, as listed
above, be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Board, on 20 September 2023,
for approval and inclusion in the Environment Scrutiny Panel’s work programme
for 2023/2024. 2.
an all-Member briefing be arranged in relation to grass cutting, addressing the
issues raised within the scrutiny topic suggestion, to enable Ward Councillors
to be better placed to respond from queries from residents. |
Overview and Scrutiny Board - Update The
Chair will provide a verbal update on matters considered by the Overview and
Scrutiny Board at its meeting on 26 July 2023. Minutes: The Chair provided a
verbal update in relation to the business conducted at the Overview and
Scrutiny Board meeting held on 26 July 2023, namely: - ·
from the Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Education and Culture,
Councillor Philippa Storey – who provided an overview of her portfolio. ·
Forward Work Programme. ·
Ward Boundary Review – a verbal update was provided by the Head of Legal
Services. · Scrutiny Panels’ Chairs’ Updates. · Next meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board – 20 September 2023 at 4.30pm. NOTED |
Date and Time of Next Meeting - 9 October 2023 at 10.00am The next meeting of the
Environment Scrutiny Panel is scheduled to take place on Monday, 9 October 2023 at 10.00am. Minutes: The next meeting of the
Environment Scrutiny Panel was scheduled to take place on Monday, 9 October at
10.00am. |