Venue: Spencer Room
Contact: Susan Lightwing
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Recommendation: for noting. Minutes: The minutes of the Economic Development, Environment and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 22 March 2023 were received and noted. |
Overview of Regeneration Directorate The Director of Regeneration will be in attendance to provide an overview of the service area. Recommendation: Panel notes the information provided. Minutes: The Director of Regeneration
provided an overview of the Directorate which was focussed on the economic
health of the town and comprised Heads of Service for the following areas: Economic Growth, Development, Planning,
Marketing and Communications, Valuation and Estates, Creative Programmes and
Partnerships, Community Learning and Employability, and Sport and Client
Relationship. Economic Growth focussed on enabling
the town to grow sustainably, encompassing the town centre, economy
and business. This service area
developed bids for project funding and worked with the Department for Levelling
Up, Housing and Communities. Reports and
presentations for Executive and Scrutiny also formed part of the remit. Development concentrated on the
front-end bidding and relationships with other organisations such as the Tees
Advanced Manufacturing Park and Centre Square One and Two. Development also worked on the preparation of
housing sites for sale. If the Council
owned land that was an allocated site, Officers would be involved in the
planning permission, masterplan and ensuring the land was developed properly. Design Services were also part of that team. The Planning Service dealt with
planning applications, building control and the Local Plan. Planning applications were assessed and
either decided by Officers or taken to Committee for a decision. Building Control was a statutory function of
the Council, although residents generally used private companies. Culture managed various venues
and developed the culture sector in Middlesbrough. Venues included the Town Hall, Dorman Museum,
Newham Hall Farm and the Little Theatre. The service undertook outreach work with
school and also liaised with the Arts Council. A £5 million development of Central Library
was currently underway. At the present
time, there was no Head of Service in post and the Head of Growth had taken responsibility.
Marketing and Communications
promoted the Council and the Town via the Council website, press releases,
internal staff communications and the Love Middlesbrough magazine. Community Learning made provision
for adults and children who were not in mainstream education settings and was
based in the Multi Media Centre. There
were also bases at Lingfield Farm and the Acklam Green Centre. Valuation and Estates was the
Council’s property function for buying and selling. It was responsible for all Council owned
buildings, including its commercial portfolio and their maintenance. The Council had a long lease on Centre Square
1 and 2, and owned industrial units at Cannon Park, two shopping centres and
Tees Amp. The commercial properties
generated income for the Council but some were in poor repair and this would be
a challenge going forward. Whilst the Council supported the
business community to thrive it did not provide business support
generally. There were two officers with
responsibility for the town centre to help businesses work together and provide
support to key sectors including digital and advanced manufacturing. One individual worked in Boho to help the
digital cluster develop. The Council also built new commercial space and managed existing buildings. New building would likely be limited in future because the Mayoral Development Corporation would be taking on that responsibility. The Council ... view the full minutes text for item 23/3 |
Proposed Schedule of Meetings 2023-2024 Recommendation: for approval. Minutes: A proposed schedule of meeting dates for the Regeneration Scrutiny
Panel for the 2023-2024 Municipal Year was submitted for the Panel's
consideration. AGREED that the proposed meeting dates for 2023-2024 were approved. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: None. |