Venue: Mandela Room, Town Hall
Contact: Chris Lunn
No. | Item | |||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Minutes - Children and Young People's Scrutiny Panel - 18 September 2023 Minutes: The minutes of the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny
Panel meeting held on 18 September 2023 were submitted and approved as a correct
record. |
School Attendance - An Introduction The
Director of Education and Partnerships will be in attendance to provide the
scrutiny panel with a general overview and introduction to the topic, which
will include: ·
the link
between absence and attainment; ·
in Middlesbrough and the broad associated issues; and ·
of the work currently being undertaken to address attendance issues, including
the Vulnerable Children Attendance Project (VCAP). Minutes: The Director of Education and Partnerships and the
Executive Director of Children’s Services were in attendance to provide the
scrutiny panel with a general overview and introduction to the topic. The Director of Education and Partnerships noted
the link between absence and attainment; according to the Department for
Education (DfE), children with no absence were 1.3 times more likely to achieve
a level four at GCSE and three times more likely to achieve a level five,
compared to children with between 10 and 15% absence during key stage
four. It was also highlighted that when
children were in school, professionals knew they were safe and receiving
meals. Reference was made to the
criticalness of early attendance in terms of hierarchical learning, meaning
that if a child learnt basic numerical, literacy and other skills early on,
development at a later stage would be facilitated. Members heard that school attendance in
Middlesbrough was lower than the national and regional averages. Reference was made to safeguarding and
reduced opportunity for this when children were not in school. The impact that absenteeism could have in
terms of career development and competing against others later in life was also
noted. Further statistical information around school
attendance in Middlesbrough would be provided at the panel’s next scheduled
meeting in December, but broadly the four issues/drivers of poor attendance
Members were informed that this was of significant
concern because these were the children who benefitted most from the protective
and nurturing influence of school. These
groups of children:
Members were informed that the legal power for school exclusions sat with headteachers. Often, schools were Academies and therefore reported directly to the DfE. ... view the full minutes text for item 23/13 |
South Tees Safeguarding Children Partnership (STSCP) - Annual Report 2022/2023 The STSCP Partnership Manager will be in attendance to present the STSCP Annual Report 2022/2023. Additional documents: Minutes: The STSCP Partnership Manager was in
attendance to provide Members with an overview of the local partnership
arrangements for safeguarding children, the work undertaken by the STSCP and to
highlight areas of significance within the 2022/2023 Annual Report. Members were informed that the STSCP
was established in 2019 in response to changes to the multi-agency safeguarding
arrangements introduced in the Children and Social Work Act 2017. It
succeeded the Middlesbrough Local Safeguarding Children Board and the Redcar
and Cleveland Safeguarding Children Board (LSCBs). The STSCP was a formal partnership
between the two South Tees Local Authorities of Middlesbrough and Redcar and
Cleveland, Cleveland Police and North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care
Board. The partners had a shared ambition to improve the lives of
the most vulnerable children in their area, many of whom faced multiple
disadvantage; the STSCP oversaw some of the most deprived areas in the
country. The Annual
Report covered the year 2022/2023 and was published by the four statutory
partners. The report summarised and
reflected on the work of the STSCP, covering the third full financial year of
operation. The contents
of the report included:
The report
highlighted the effective joint working that had continued and been further
strengthened, and set out critical areas of development to further improve the
effectiveness of the statutory partnership arrangements. These included the need for a robust
multi-agency quality assurance framework and using the learning from serious
safeguarding incidents and auditing to make a difference to practice and
service provision. Members heard
that, during this period, the STSCP had completed three rapid reviews,
initiated two Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPR) - previously known as
Serious Case Reviews - and signed off a further CSPR from early 2022. It was explained that reviews were undertaken
and sent to a Government Safeguarding Panel for review. This was a key role for the STSCP, which at
one stage had ten serious incidents to review, currently it had none; high risk
was managed by agencies. The Partnership
also completed several multi-agency audits, including the Section 11 audit of
key partners. Reference was made to the significant
challenge that the STSCP faced in the wake of COVID-19, which required new ways
of working. It was explained that all
activity continued virtually – the Partnership Manager credited the Local
Authorities’ approach to technology, which had allowed safeguarding work to
continue. Emergence from the pandemic
had presented both significant challenge and change, for example: behavioural
changes in young people, some as young as ten, were being seen – with some
carrying weapons. Members heard that
there was work to do in terms of addressing crime, county lines and national
agendas to tackle exploitation. The panel was informed of the cross-boundary work that was taking place between ... view the full minutes text for item 23/14 |
Overview and Scrutiny Board Update The Chair will provide a verbal update on matters considered at the meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 20 September 2023 and 18 October 2023. Minutes: The Chair provided a verbal update on the matters
that were considered at the Overview and Scrutiny Board meetings held on 20
September 2023 and 18 October 2023. NOTED |
Date of Next Meeting - 4 December 2023 Minutes: NOTED |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: None. |