Venue: Mandela Room
Contact: Joanne McNally 01642 728329 / Susan Lightwing 01642 729712
No. | Item |
Welcome and Fire Evacuation Procedure In the event the fire alarm sounds attendees will be advised to evacuate the building via the nearest fire exit and assemble at the Bottle of Notes opposite MIMA. Minutes: The Chair welcomed all present to the meeting and read out the Building Evacuation Procedure. |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes - Environment Scrutiny Panel - 4 March and 20 May 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Environment Scrutiny Panel meetings held on 4 March and 20 May 2024 were submitted and noted. |
Minutes - Regeneration Scrutiny Panel - 20 March 2024 Minutes: The minutes of the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 20 March 2024 were submitted and noted. A typographical error on was corrected on the second page of the minutes, ninth paragraph, seventh word –“grand” to be replaced with “grant”. |
Overview of Service Areas The Director of Regeneration and the Head of Neighbourhoods, Environment and Community Services, will be in attendance to provide the Panel with an overview of the services provided across their respective Directorates, and to highlight the strategic and departmental priorities for the coming year.
Recommendation: That the Panel notes the information provided and considers it when formulating its Work Programme for 2024-2025 (next agenda item). Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Regeneration and the Head of Neighbourhoods, Environment and Community Services, were in attendance at the meeting and provided the Panel with an overview of the services provided across their respective Directorates, highlighting priorities and challenges for the next year. The Regeneration Directorate consisted of five elements: • Growth – economic development, capital projects, housing and design services. • Planning – development control, planning policy, building control. • Community Learning – apprenticeships, English for Speakers of other Languages ESOL, and planning. • Property – corporate property, commercial property, sales and purchases. • Culture – town hall, theatre, museums, events, sector development. The Marketing and Communications Team was also included within the Directorate but the Head of Service reported directly to the Chief Executive. The Regeneration Directorate’s role included: • Supporting the business community to thrive. • Supporting key sectors to grow such as digital and advanced manufacturing. • Facilitating new commercial space so businesses could locate or expand. The Council owned both the Captain Cook Shopping Centre and the Cleveland Centre. • Providing opportunities for new housebuilding in order to retain and grow the population. Preparing and selling housing sites and master planning. • Controlling development to protect the town’s future. • Providing opportunities for people to experience and enjoy cultural activities including events at the Town Hall, Centre Square and other venues. • Promoting the town and the work of the Council. • Supporting people to improve their skill levels and find work. • Providing and managing the spaces for services to operate from and managing the Council’s large portfolio of commercial assets including the shopping centres. The direct impacts on the Council of the Directorate’s work included increased Council Tax and Business Rates, reduced demand on public services, income from commercial lettings and sales and good publicity. However there was also sometimes controversy in relation to housing development or building new community centres, as well as complaints which were generally planning-related. The presentation included some photographs showing examples of work ongoing to transform the centre of the town. Level X had been open in the Captain Cook Square for some time and Inflatable Space and Fun Shack had opened more recently. A new restaurant – Bazaar – would also start trading in the next couple of weeks. Improvements were being made around the Railway Station and Heritage Lottery funding and Council investment were being used to develop Exchange Square. Church House was being converted into 86 apartments. Capital projects included Boho 11. A bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund for the redevelopment of the Old Town Hall had reached the final round and the outcome should be known by October 2024. The proposal was to turn it into a digital business centre. Support to the business sector included TeesAmp which had been built and let by the Council and was now in the process of being sold. Support had also been provided to the Middlesbrough Digital Initiative to ... view the full minutes text for item 5/24 |
Setting the Scrutiny Panel's Work Programme 2024-2025 Recommendation: The Scrutiny Panel considers its work programme for the 2024-2025 Municipal Year and selects up to three topics for submission to the Overview and Scrutiny Board for approval. Minutes: The Democratic Services Officer presented a report, the purpose of which was to assist Members of the Panel to consider and agree its work programme for the 2024-2025 Municipal Year. A list of suggestions received in respect of the Scrutiny Panel's remit were contained in the submitted report. It was suggested that the Scrutiny Panel should select up to three topics to review. Members discussed the suggestions received from Councillors, Council Officers, members of the public and the Overview and Scrutiny Board. The Chair invited Panel Members to suggest topics at the meeting. Following discussion, Panel Members agreed the following topics for review: 1. Empty Properties. 2. Barriers to Regeneration. 3. Home to School Transport. Short Reviews: 4. Bereavement
Services (in relation to diminishing cemetery space) 5. Provision for Migrants The Panel also agreed to include the following updates in their work programme: · Flood Risk Management. · Toxic Chemicals in the River Tees/Crustacean Working Group. · RIPA (Regulation of Investigatory Powers) – annual update. · Prevent and Channel – annual update. · Community Safety Partnership – annual update. · Medium Term Financial Plan Refresh for Regeneration and Environment and Community Services Directorates A Task and Finish Group would be formed to review progress on actions from some previous investigations including: Green Strategy, Waste Recycling and Town Centre Regeneration post-Covid. Throughout the last municipal year, the Environment Scrutiny Panel undertook a detailed investigation into Waste Management. It was agreed that a draft Final Report on Waste Management should presented to the Place Scrutiny Panel for consideration at the earliest opportunity. AGREED as follows that: 1. The information provided was received and noted. 2. The topics listed at 1 to 5 above, would be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Board for approval. |
Proposed Schedule of Meeting Dates for 2024-2025 Recommendation: The Panel is asked to consider the proposed schedule of meeting dates for the Municipal Year 2024-2025 and to agree a finalised schedule. Minutes: A proposed schedule of meeting dates for the Place Scrutiny
Panel for the 2024-2025 Municipal Year was submitted for the Panel's
consideration. AGREED that the proposed meeting dates for 2023-2024 were approved. |
Overview and Scrutiny Board Update The Chair will provide a verbal update on matters considered at the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 26 June 2024. Minutes: The Chair was not in attendance at the last Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting and therefore no update was provided. The Chair did attend the Executive meeting on 24 July 2024 and presented the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel’s Final Report on Planning Capacity, which was well received. NOTED |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: None. |