Agenda and minutes

Executive - Wednesday 3rd August, 2022 11.00 am

Venue: Mandela Room

Contact: Chris Lunn / Scott Bonner 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.


There were no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting.


Minutes - Executive - 12 July 2022 pdf icon PDF 251 KB


The minutes of the Executive meeting held on 12 July 2022 were submitted and approved as a correct record.



Mayoral Development Corporation – Consultation Response pdf icon PDF 429 KB


The Executive Member for Regeneration and the Director for Regeneration and Culture submitted a report for the Executive’s consideration. The purpose of the report was to seek Executive approval for the Council’s response to the stakeholder consultation which was due to close on 4 August 2022. 


The Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) had indicated that it wished to establish a Mayoral Development Corporation covering Middlesbrough Town Centre and



One of the first stages of the process to establish such a vehicle was to consult with stakeholders. A public consultation on the subject was therefore opened, with a deadline for responses of 4 August 2022. The Executive was asked to endorse the Council’s response, as the establishment of such a corporation would have a significant impact on both the town and the Council.


The report set out the principles of the Council’s response to the consultation, so it could be submitted by the required deadline.


The overall tone of the consultation response was one of broad support, but with requests to be involved in some of the detail being developed around specific powers. The response also set out that the Mayoral Development Corporation must not have a detrimental impact on the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan.


The response to the consultation had been considered by officers, including those involved in the early stages of the Mayoral Development Corporation process from a finance and governance perspective. A positive endorsement from Executive would have seen the Council’s response submitted by the 4th August deadline.


Members commented that consideration should be given to the impact on Council Planning Services and Council Assets, should the Mayoral Development Corporation be created. The Mayor advised the details surrounding the Mayoral Development Corporation had yet to be finalised but thanked Members for their input.




If the Council was not broadly supportive of the establishment of such a corporation, the responses would be significantly different. It would also be necessary to engage with TVCA to challenge the principles being set out.


A decision to oppose a corporation would have needed to consider the ability of the Council and its existing partners to deliver the regeneration of the town centre and Middlehaven, and whether it would achieve as much, as quickly. Although a significant amount would still be achieved, there was no evidence to suggest that this would exceed what would be achieved with a Mayoral Development Corporation in place.




That the Council’s response to the stakeholder consultation be endorsed for submission by 4 August 2022.




The consultation offered the Council the opportunity to register its broad support, but also to flag up the areas where it was felt significant further work was to be done to fully understand the future relationship with the corporation, and how it would operate.


As this decision was taken under Special Urgency provisions it is not subject to Call-In procedures, and will therefore be implemented with immediate effect.