Venue: Mandela Room
Contact: Joanne McNally
No. | Item | ||||||
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Minutes - Planning and Development Committee - 16 November 2023 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on 16 November 2023 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Schedule of Remaining Planning Applications to be Considered by Committee Schedule – Page 12 Item 1 – Chandlers Ridge Primary School – Page 15 Additional documents: Minutes: The
Head of Planning submitted plans deposited as applications to develop land
under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Full details of the planning application and
the plan status were outlined in the report. The report contained a detailed
analysis of the application and analysed relevant policies from the National
Planning Policy Framework and the Local Development Framework along with
detailing consultee and other responses. Members
heard that planning permission was sought for a single storey extension to the
west of the main school building with associated external alterations, and
alterations to the existing car parking area. The proposals would also alter
the arrangements for the existing bin stores which would be relocated close to
their existing location. Seven car parking spaces would be lost in order to
facilitate the proposed extension. The
proposed extension is a modest secondary addition to the school which would be
finished in matching materials and would generally be in keeping with the scale
and appearance of the existing school building. The extension would be set well
back into the site and would not create an incongruous feature when viewed from
the public realm. Members
heard that the proposed extension would bring the school building closer to
residential properties although a reasonable intervening distance would remain
and as such there would be no notable adverse impact on residential amenity. The
Development Control Manager advised Committee Members that objections had been
raised by residents and the Parish Council mainly in relation to parking and
highway safety. As
part of the extension the car parking area would be partly built on and changes
made to the car parking layout. Parking numbers were proposed to be reduced by
7 spaces from 29 to 22. Members were advised that the school car park was only
used by staff, visitors and for deliveries i.e it was
not available for use by the public nor parents. The
Development Control Manager advised that the Tees Valley Design Guide indicated
a parking requirement for the school including the extension as being 25
spaces. The Tees Valley Highway Design
Guide indicates that the school could provide 25 spaces. The level of provision
was therefore only 3 spaces below that set out in the Design Guide. Members
heard that in addition to this guidance the school had undertaken surveys which
demonstrated that the parking was not fully utilised and as such the reduction
in spaces could be accommodated without harm or displacement of parking. It was also advised that the access to the school and carpark would not be altered by this proposal and there would be no change to the way in which the children attend the school. Members heard that the addition of the 2 classrooms could increase the number of children attending the school which by default could increase the ... view the full minutes text for item 23/22 |
Applications Approved by the Head of Planning Minutes: The Head of
Planning submitted details of planning applications which had been approved to
date in accordance with the delegated authority granted to him at Minute 187
(29 September 1992). |
Planning Appeals Minutes: The Development Control Manager provided a verbal update to Members of the Committee on the outcome of various planning appeals. NOTED |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: NONE |