Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Executive - Wednesday 2nd October, 2024 12.30 pm

Venue: Mandela Room

Contact: Scott Bonner / Chris Lunn 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting.


Minutes - Executive - 4 September 2024 pdf icon PDF 286 KB


The Mayor advised he had approached the Director for Environment and Community Services for further information relating to Licences for Houses in Multiple Occupation.


The minutes of the Executive meeting held on 4 September 2024 were submitted and approved as a correct record.



Adult Social Care Residential Charging Policy pdf icon PDF 399 KB

Additional documents:


1.    Executive approve the Residential Charging Policy to take effect from 7 October 2024.

2.    Delegated authority to approve any future minor revisions/modifications is provided to the Director of Finance and the Director of Adult Social Care and Health Integration, and the Executive Member for Finance and Governance and the Executive Member of Adult Social Care and Public Health to maintain effective service delivery and reflect revisions brought about by regulatory and/or statutory guidance changes.



The Mayor and Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public and the Executive Member for Finance and Governance submitted a report for Executive consideration.


The report’s purpose was to seek approval of the Residential Charging Policy.


Central Government provided Local Authorities with Statutory Guidance issued under the Care Act 2014 in respect of a single legal framework for charging for care and support under sections 14 and 17. The Act was supported by the Care and Support Regulations (Statutory Instruments) and Care and Support Guidance and Annexes issued under the Care Act 2014 which Local Authorities must follow when charging individuals for their care and support needs.


The Residential Charging Policy would ensure that the current process for charging was transparent and consistent. This policy would continue with the principle that residents should only be required to pay what they could afford and in turn, be entitled to financial support through a means tested financial assessment.


The policy set out procedures for claiming financial help with residential social care charges. The policy would safeguard the interest of local taxpayers by ensuring the financial assessment process would include a welfare benefit check to ensure full entitlement was claimed. This would be undertaken initially by the Financial Assessment Team and if necessary, Welfare Rights. This would ensure the cost of care to the Council is minimised should unclaimed benefits be identified.


An improvement to the application process had also been introduced for both residential and non-residential financial assessments. Using an e-form, financial assessment information was gathered quickly, and online which sped up the process for assessing the cost of care packages. This approach improved the governance process as the information was held centrally, and only information necessary to process the assessment was gathered. Consequently, this had reduced the need for visits to residential care homes which historically has been necessary to gather the relevant information. The approach was extremely effective and efficient.


Where service users were unable to access online solutions, the service continued to provide residential care visits for vulnerable groups.




1.    Executive approve the Residential Charging Policy to take effect from 7 October 2024.

2.    Delegated authority to approve any future minor revisions/modifications is provided to the Director of Finance and the Director of Adult Social Care and Health Integration, and the Executive Member for Finance and Governance and the Executive Member of Adult Social Care and Public Health to maintain effective service delivery and reflect revisions brought about by regulatory and/or statutory guidance changes.




The Care Act 2014 provided a single legal framework for charging for care and support under Sections 14 and 17. It enabled a local authority to decide whether to charge a person when it was arranging to meet a person’s care and support needs. The implementation of a Residential Charging Policy provided residents or service users with clear guidelines around the assessment process or how to appeal should they disagree with the assessment carried out therefore minimising the risk of challenge.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24/33


Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered.


The Mayor advised Executive that an additional meeting of Executive had been scheduled for the 28th October 2024 to consider reports on the Household Support Fund and the Linthorpe Road Cycle Lane.


A discussion took place regarding consultation with Executive Members when Executive meetings were arranged outside of the agreed schedule.




The decisions will come into force after five working days following the day the decision was published unless the decision becomes subject to the call in procedures.