Venue: Mandela Room (Municipal Buildings)
Contact: Scott Bonner/ Joanne Dixon
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest made by Members at this point in the meeting. |
Welcome and Fire Evacuation Procedure Minutes: The Chair welcomed those present and advised that as there were no scheduled tests, should the fire alarm sound, attendees should evacuate the building via the nearest fire exit and assemble at the Bottle of Notes opposite MIMA. |
Minutes - Overview and Scrutiny Board - 22 January 2025 Minutes: The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 22 January 2025 were submitted and approved as a correct record, subject to the word ‘million’ being added after the figure £3.485 on page four. |
Executive Member Update - Environment and Sustainability Minutes: Councillor
Gavigan, Executive Member for Environment and
Sustainability, was in attendance at the meeting,
accompanied by G Field, Director of Environment and Community Services, to
provide the Board with an overview of his portfolio in relation to Environment
and Sustainability. The
Executive Member stated that Environment and Community Services strived to
deliver services that met the Council’s Strategic Vision ‘For Middlesbrough to
be a thriving, healthier, safer and more ambitious place where people want to
live, work, invest, and visit. We will support our residents to live fulfilling
lives, to ensure that our communities thrive’. The
two key areas within the portfolio of the Executive Member were:- ·
Environment Services ·
Highways and Infrastructure Matters
of significance for each of the two key areas were highlighted as follows:- Environment
Services Waste
and Recycling A
new green waste subscription service was launched last year
and the Board heard that registration for the service for 2025/26 had now
opened. In just over two days, 3,018
households had renewed their subscriptions and there had been 191 new
subscribers to the service. In addition,
76 households had taken up payment plans which meant they could stagger the
payment of the £40 annual charge. Members
were informed that forthcoming changes to waste and recycling services
included:- ·
Separate collection of paper and cardboard
recycling. From April 2026, all Councils
would be required to comply with Government Legislation (Simpler Recycling) to
make separate collections of paper and cardboard from other recycling streams
at the kerbside. Middlesbrough currently
operated a co-mingled kerbside collection which meant that all recycling
streams (paper, cardboard, plastic, tin and glass) were collected
together from a single bin, without the need for pre-separation by
residents. The new legislation would
mean that paper and cardboard would need to be collected from a separate
receptacle to other recyclable materials. As a consequence,
households would need to be supplied with a new collection receptacle. The potential options included a large
canvass sack or small wheeled bin. The
preferred option would be to provide an additional small, wheeled bin, however, appropriate consultation would take place in
due course. ·
Food waste collections. Also from April 2026, Councils in England
would be required to undertake weekly collections of household food waste. Households would be provided with a small
collection ‘caddie’ to be kept inside, together with a larger outside bin, into
which the contents of the caddie would be placed for weekly collection. A
discussion ensued and the following issues were raised:- · Members expressed reservations regarding the collection of food waste particularly in relation to keeping the food caddie indoors and whether this would cause odours and also whether the outside containers would attract vermin. It was explained that the caddies were small, sealed containers and that some Council departments had been trialling them and had found no issues. Compostable liners for the caddies would be provided. In terms of attracting vermin, Members were reassured that the outdoor containers were sealed units and that it would be no different to ... view the full minutes text for item 24/66 |
Executive Forward Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes: A
Member made reference to the item named ‘Homelessness Reduction and Rough Sleeper
Prevention Strategy 2024 – 2029’ and queried whether the terminology
being used was appropriate. The
Democratic Services Officer agreed to feed the comment back to the service
area. A
Member queried whether the item ‘Transfer
of Land and Assets at Gresham to Middlesbrough Development Corporation’ was on hold or proceeding. The Democratic Services Officer agreed to
make enquiries. AGREED
that the report be noted and that the Democratic Services Officer follow up
with regard to:- 1.
The terminology used in the item ‘Homelessness
Reduction and Rough Sleeper Prevention Strategy’. 2.
Request an update regarding the current position
on the item ‘Transfer of Land and
Assets at Gresham to Middlesbrough Development Corporation’. |
Forward Plan Actions Progress Minutes: There were no outstanding actions. NOTED |
Scrutiny Chairs Update Minutes: The
Chair of the Place Scrutiny Panel updated the Board that the Panel had met on
27 January 2025 and had received annual updates on Flood Risk Management and
RIPA. The Task and Finish Group on Home
to School Transport was in the process of drafting a Final Report on the
topic. The Task and Finish Group on
Empty Properties had circulated evidence to the wider Panel and was awaiting
response and further guidance on next steps. People
Scrutiny Panel The
Chair of the People Scrutiny Panel advised that the Panel had not met since the
last meeting of OSB but was due to meet on Monday, 17 February, when it would
receive further evidence in relation to its scrutiny topic of ‘Children Missing
from Education’. The Panel would also
consider terms of reference for its new scrutiny topic of ‘Homelessness’. Overview
and Scrutiny Board – Task and Finish Group: Community Cohesion Councillor
Kabuye updated Members that the Group was due to meet with the Cleveland Police
and Crime Commissioner next week and would then start putting together all of
the evidence gathered. AGREED
that the information provided be noted. |
Any other urgent items which, in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: There were no other urgent items to be considered. |