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Standards Committee

This page lists the meetings for Standards Committee.


Information about Standards Committee

Terms of Reference - Standards Committee


Membership Restrictions: Cannot include the Elected Mayor and may not be chaired by an Executive Member


1.       The Standards Committee is responsible for ensuring individual oversight of key issues that relate to ethics in Local Government.


2.     The Standards Committee is also responsible for:


(a)         promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct by Members and the Mayor;


(b)         assisting Members and the Mayor to observe the Members’ Code of Conduct;


(c)             advising the Council on the adoption or revision of the Members’ Code of Conduct;


(d)     monitoring the operation of, and compliance with, the Members’ Code of Conduct;


(e)   advising Members and the Mayor on matters relating to the Members’ Code of Conduct;


(f)    arranging to train Members and the Mayor on matters relating to the Members’ Code of Conduct;


(g)    considering reports relating to the conduct of Members which may be referred to it by the Council or Chief Officers, including issues relating to Members' interests and the maintenance and management of any relevant registers of interests;


(h)   receiving information from the Monitoring Officer on live complaints and the likely

timelines for their investigation to be completed;


(i)  considering relevant reports referred by the Monitoring Officer and the Chief Finance Officer and making recommendations thereon to the Council as necessary; 


(j)   granting dispensations to Members, Co-opted members and Parish Councillors and the Mayor from the requirements relating to declarations of interest. The Monitoring Officer may grant a dispensation where the matter is urgent and report it to the next available Standards Committee;


(k)   determining, after due investigation, allegations of breaches of the Members’ Code of Conduct and the imposing of any relevant sanctions; 


(l)   receiving references from the Corporate Affairs Committee regarding issues of attendance by Members at training on the Code of Conduct; and


(m)   discharging the above functions in relation to Parish Councils.


9 elected members and, if required, two parish councillors


Quorum: 3