Agenda item

Executive Member reports


The Chair invited Members to raise items for general discussion arising from the Information Booklet of Executive Member reports which detailed activities conducted within the respective Executive Member portfolios (Section 1), Executive decisions taken (Section 2) or to be taken where known, prior to and following the meeting (Sections 3 and 4).


Questions in relation to the report of the Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Education and Culture


Councillor Clynch on improvements to literacy in Middlesbrough.


The Executive Member referred to the recent World Book Day and highlighted the work of Middlesbrough Literacy Trust led by Allison Potter.  The Trust provided Middlesbrough children with books they could keep and share with their families.  The Trust also supported the development of spoken word performance through Poetry Slam which allowed them to perform their own work in schools.   The Executive Member placed on record her thanks to Allison Potter for her continued care, dedication and energy.  Members’ attention was drawn to the Big Boro Book Bash which would take place in July and would also expand children’s reading.


Councillor Hurst withdrew his question.


Councillor Livingstone on the Orange Pip Market and the potential for exploration of alternative venues.


The Executive Member confirmed that whilst alternative venues had been considered they were not being pursued.  The Orange Pip Market was established to improve footfall to the town and contribute to its regeneration.  Thanks were recorded in relation to the Regeneration and Culture Team who had managed to reduce to the running costs of the Orange Pip Market by 80%.  Sponsorship of future events was sought in the region of £1500 to cover the 20% gap in funding that remained and sponsorship packs were available for any businesses who were interested.  The Orange Pip Market was fundamental to the town centre’s regeneration and the Council aimed for it to continue.


Questions in relation to the report of the Executive Member for Community Safety


Councillor Livingstone on the use of CCTV cameras as a deterrent to fly-tipping.


The Executive Member explained that the Council had a finite number of CCTV cameras available and areas requesting a camera were prioritised according to the available data in relation to fly-tipping and other incidents. 


Councillor M Storey in relation to the Safe Haven Service.


The Executive Member agreed that the Safe Haven was a vital service to help people who became vulnerable through alcohol, substance misuse, violence, or underage or safeguarding, during the night-time economy period.  The service was an important way of making visitors to town feel safe and encouraging the night-time economy and town to thrive.  The Executive Member also highlighted that she had witnessed first-hand, the Safe Haven staff working closely with the Police, Boro Angels, Women Street Watch, and licensed premises door staff during a Friday evening.


Councillor Ewan in relation to vehicle seizure for fly-tipping.


The Executive Member agreed that fly-tipping was an unacceptable blight on the town and the Council wanted to support residents who were affected.  The Council had recently seized a van and would use it to remove fly-tipping from the streets and continue to find those responsible and prosecute them.  Where appropriate, vehicles would be seized and repurposed to clean up fly-tips.


Question in relation to the Executive Member for Environment


Councillor Blades on suicide prevention parapets.


The Executive Member confirmed that the Council was committed to carrying out the work on the A174 Marton Interchange Overbridge which included installation of suicide prevention parapets to prevent future tragedies.  The work would take approximately 3 months once approval had been obtained from Network Rail. 

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