Agenda item

South Tees Changing Futures Programme - Extended Funding


The Mayor and Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health submitted a report for Executive’s consideration.


The purpose of the report was to seek approval for Middlesbrough to accept ‘boost funding’ to enable the continuation, as lead organisation, for the South Tees Changing Futures Programme for the period of one additional year – from April 2024 – March 2025.


Following Executive’s approval to bid for funding, Middlesbrough were awarded £3.1m via the following funding bodies: the Department for Levelling Up Communities and Housing (DLUHC) and the National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF), for the South Tees Changing Futures (STCF) programme in 2021.


This programme supported adults experiencing multiple disadvantages in both Middlesbrough Council and Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council areas.  Further roll of out funding had become available, which the South Tees Changing Futures programme had successfully been awarded. A funding amount of £0.850m from April 2024 – March 2025 would be awarded.


There would be additional activities that could be undertaken with the boost funding, some of which would be above the procurement threshold for direct award. These were detailed in the report.


It was queried if a similar process would be carried out in Redcar and Cleveland. It was clarified the process described in the report only applied to Middlesbrough.


ORDERED that Executive:


1.    Accept the boost funding.

2.    Approve that Middlesbrough Council continued as lead organisation of the Changing Futures South Tees Programme.

3.    Approve Middlesbrough Council accept and hold monies, regarding South Tees Changing Futures Programme Boost Funding.

4.    Delegate the allocation of monies for activities required to deliver the programme and management of associated procurement processes to the Director of Public Health, as advised by the South Tees Changing Futures Board, for the allocated period of April 2024-March 2025.




Middlesbrough Council were the lead organisation for this programme and this request was to both continue the status of Middlesbrough Council being lead organisation and to accept the boost funding.


An alternative option would have been to not accept the funding and let the programme end – this would deny South Tees the opportunity for continued investment and ongoing improvement to benefit some of Middlesbrough’s most vulnerable residents, therefore, it is not deemed to be a worthy option.


A further option would have been to drastically alter the STCF workstreams, potentially making them much smaller in scope. This was not considered to be feasible as a network of support and relationships had been developed since the STCF programme was implemented in 2021. The application for extended/boost funding was based on the continuation of the existing programme. To deviate significantly from the current workstream would have likely impacted the award of these funds and would not be a suitable recommendation.


The final alternative would have been for Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (RCBC) to take on the role of lead organisation for STCF - given that Middlesbrough Council has been the lead organisation since the outset of the programme. RCBC assuming that responsibility would have risked disruption and delay to the objectives that we have been provided funding to deliver.


Part of the proposed plan included a procurement process of two projects. These were to be procured and implemented ready for the funding commitment period, April 1st 2024 – March 31st 2025. Delayed funds could have impacted negatively, and implementation of service in a timely manner. This could have delayed/lowered service provision and restricted opportunity to improve the lives of those with multiple disadvantages.




Since successfully attaining Changing Futures area status in 2021, an opportunity had arisen to extend the programme and further invest into to the community and services, for those with complex multiple disadvantages. The additional funding enabled Changing Futures more time to make a positive impact for those experiencing these challenges, particularly in the current climate where demand on services is at an all-time high. It provided the opportunity to extend the programme management function, and key workstreams for the year 2024/25.


Being provided additional time to continue working with partner organisations and stakeholders created better chances for the longevity of Changing Futures and to sustain new ways past the programme end date. It also demonstrated the confidence of DLUHC and National Lottery Community Fund in the approach so far and facilitated ongoing conversations about future needs.


Accepting this funding would not only help those with multiple disadvantages, continued involvement in the Changing Futures Programme would give Middlesbrough (and South Tees) a further opportunity for ongoing research and evaluation of the programme, strengthening relationships with DLUCH and the National Lottery Community Fund and potentially increased the likelihood of further funding and support.


Additional activities would need to be undertaken to build on work undertaken to date and to address gaps identified in research, such as the A Way Out report on women facing multiple disadvantages – see Appendix 2. These activities would require procurement processes to be undertaken. The STCF team would work with corporate commissioning and procurement colleagues to ensure that the appropriate policies and procedures were followed for all such activities.

Supporting documents: