The Chair of the Health Scrutiny Panel presented the Panel’s Final Report and draft recommendations in relation to its review of Dental Health and the Impact of Covid-19.
The Board was asked to consider the following recommendations:
a) That a further census survey of 5-year-old children is undertaken to enable analysis of data at a ward-level to identify health inequalities and enable the delivery of more targeted support.
b) That a locally tailored oral health strategy is developed, which is based on an oral health needs assessment.
c) That the Local Authority works with the relevant local authorities in the North East, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), NHS partners and the relevant water companies to support and delegate responsibility to respond to the OHID national water fluoridation public consultation (due in early 2024) to the Director of Public Health.
d) That the Health Scrutiny Panel receives regular updates on progress made with implementing a water fluoridation scheme for the region, including the outcome of the public consultation.
e) That targeted work is undertaken to increase uptake of the supervised tooth brushing programme and ensure engagement of the early years settings and primary schools located in town’s most deprived areas.
f) That, for those families who choose not to engage with the health visiting service, free toothbrushes and toothpaste are sent via postal delivery to encourage parents to adopt good oral health practices.
g) That a targeted community fluoride varnish programme is commissioned to reduce health inequalities across Middlesbrough’s population.
h) That, to influence the national reform of NHS dentistry, the Chair of the Health Scrutiny Panel writes to the Secretary of State and the NHS England regional team undertake work, to make access to NHS dental services equal and affordable for everyone in the region.
i) That an update is submitted to the Health Scrutiny Panel in 6 months’ time in respect of:
· the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board’s (ICB) recovery plan to improve access to NHS dental services; and
· how feedback from the local population has been utilised to formulate solutions and determine future plans.
j) That Teesside University, the Local Authority and the North East and North Cumbria ICB work collectively to overcome and address current referral restrictions associated with the Student Dental Facility, with an aim to improving accessibility for those experiencing problems with accessing NHS dental care.
A discussion took place regarding the report’s recommendation to create a School of Dentistry on Teesside and the lack of dentists nationally. It was commented the availability of dentists was dependent on current funding models and an increase in the number of dentists was unlikely to change until this changed.
Members agreed the report was interesting and expressed their thanks to all involved in its creation. Given the Council’s challenging financial position it was agreed any recommendations the Council was directly responsible for should identify potential cost implications. It was commented that while many of the recommendations would be delivered by Health partners identifying potential cost implications would be beneficial.
1. The report be amended to identify potential cost implications where appropriate.
2. The findings and recommendations of the Health Scrutiny Panel be endorsed and referred to the Executive.
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