Agenda item

Adult Social Care Non Residential Charging Policy (Fairer Charging Policy)


The Executive Member for Finance and Governance submitted a report for Executive consideration.


Following a review of the policy, some amendments had been necessary to reflect and update in policy and legislation and to respond to some inconsistencies and presentational issues. The minor amendments required in the updated policy would result in no changes to the threshold to services and support.


Central Government provided Local Authorities with Statutory Guidance issued under the Care Act 2014 in respect of a single legal framework for charging for care and support under sections 14 and 17. The Act was supported by the Care and Support (Charging and Assessment of Resources) Regulations 2014 which Local Authorities needed to follow when charging individuals for their care and support needs.


The minor amendments to the policy would ensure that the current process for charging was transparent and consistent. The policy would continue with the principle that residents should only be required to pay what they could afford and in turn, be entitled to financial support through a means tested financial assessment. The policy now provided for timescales to which assessment should be considered.


ORDERED that Executive:


1.    That Executive approve delegated authority to the Director of Finance to make future minor revisions/modifications to the policy to provide clarity and reflect alterations in legislation during the period to the next 3 year review.

2.    Consider the proposals as set out below and approve the updated Non-Residential Charging Policy:

3.    Approves an update to the appeals processes which provided further clarity.

4.    Approves an insertion around the lower hourly contracted rate of care and signposted service users to the council’s web site.

5.    Approved the introduction of average response rate for processing assessments.

6.    Approved the removal of a home visit offering where online solutions could be provided effectively.

7.    Approved an update of the language to ensure that the policy met the current statutory and legal requirements as set out in the Care and Support (charging and assessment of resources) Regulations 2014.




Leave the existing policy in place: although the current policy did not provide sufficient defined criteria or use appropriate language and in some instances fell outside of legislation requirements, albeit where that occurred the service would apply legislation rather than policy. The current policy referred to home visits as being the default option. However, with the introduction of an e-form solution provided a more cost-effective option. A face-to-face solution would be made available where the service user is unable to access online solutions.




The Policy was a key decision that impacted on two or more wards and as such required Executive approval.


The updated policy upheld good practice within democratic processes and enabled the refreshed policy to maintain visibility with the Executive.

The minor amendments required would result in no changes to the threshold to services and support provided.


Delegated authority to the Director of Finance to approve future minor modifications to the policy maintained service operation levels. As a working policy failure to keep pace with new legislation left the Council at risk and could result in inconsistent practices.


The proposals provided clarification and an update to language to provide residents with simplified and clearer details of how their income, savings and property would be financially assessed should an individual require care in a non-residential setting.

Supporting documents: