Agenda item

Executive Member Update - The Mayor


The Chair welcomed the Mayor to the meeting and invited him to deliver his presentation. The topics covered in the presentation included responses from previous OSB meetings, the Budget and Council Strategy.


In terms of the Council’s new strategy and its approach to transformation the approach was Recover, Reset, Deliver. The recover element included issues faced to date, the Best Value Notice, and the corporate governance improvement journey. There was a need to redress the balance between what was spent on Social Care versus other services. Reset included acknowledging what the Council did well and Deliver included how to deliver services differently.


Regarding the Improvement and Governance journey, there remained political challenges including the letter inviting government intervention and the lack of unanimity on the budget vote.


The Crown Nightclub had also featured in the press because of the Audit report into its purchase. There was a need not to repeat this and subsequent agreements had overage agreements applied to them.


In terms of the Mayor’s priorities, the Council Plan was separated into three general priorities; for Middlesbrough to be Healthier, More Ambitious and Safer. While it was difficult to visualise how the Mayor’s priorities translated into operational actions, as such a workplan had been created for this purpose which was shown to members as part of the presentation.


In terms of levelling up, the services in the Live Well Centre were to be relocated to the Cleveland Centre which offered the opportunity to expand those services and introduce new ones which was explained as part of the presentation.


In order to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour there was an intention to move the CCTV control room to another location due to the potential sale of the Bus Station. In order to tackle motorbike related ASB crime there was an aim to install kick rails in as many open spaces as possible to mitigate this. In addition, there was an intention to increase the amount of CCTV as there were several places across the town that were not covered by current provision as well as the installation of 200 additional street light columns.


There was also a need to focus on temporary accommodation and brining back properties where possible.


The Mayor invited questions from the Board.


A Member queried which projects were the Mayor’s priority. While there were general areas including Health Inequalities and ASB, the SHiFT programme in Children’s Services was a key priority project.


It was queried if the deliverables of the Council Plan Workplan had the details about how they would be delivered. The Mayor commented that when considering the budget there had been a lot of attention paid to cuts. However, there was also a need to focus on how to grow services.


A Member asked what was being done about empty properties in the town. It was clarified that an empty property strategy was being created, especially as one social landlord was in possession of approximately 500 empty properties.

It was asked if services moving into the Cleveland Centre would take over all the Cleveland Centre or would they be spaced out. It was clarified that services in the Cleveland Centre would be centralised where possible. A discussion took place regarding how improving areas around schools could be inspirational for children. 


When asked about the Council’s strategy for migration it was commented that this formed part of the community cohesion element of the Council Plan.


In terms of tackling Anti-Social Behaviour, it was asked if any other councils used drones for this purpose and if it successful. It was confirmed that other councils had used drones to tackle Anti-Social behaviour as well as the police. If the Council wanted to deploy drones, they currently relied on the police for this. By having this facility in-house would provide a greater level of flexibility.


Members also queried what reputational damage the letter inviting government intervention and opposition votes to the budget had caused. It was clarified that the letter had little impact with the Government, however the opposition to the budget was difficult to ascertain as there was a desire for unanimity from the government.


The Chair thanked the Mayor for his presentation.