Agenda item

Executive Member reports


Question in relation to the Report of the Executive Member for Finance and Governance.


Councillor Saunders in relation to Pension Credit Take-up.


The Executive Member confirmed that in relation to increased government funding for Middlesbrough, the Mayor had made representations to the Government.  Both the Mayor and the Executive would take any opportunity they could to influence the Government.  However it was clear, from prior to the election, that there would not be a great deal of extra funding available for local government.  Through meetings with the Special Interest Group of Municipal Authorities (SIGOMA), Middlesbrough and other Councils were seeking a solution that would see a redistribution of the funding available on a fairer basis.  Austerity had both reduced the amount of funding available and the way in which it was redistributed.    Redistributing the funding in a fairer way would better help areas like Middlesbrough who, for example, experienced higher levels of deprivation than other areas.


Question in relation to the Report of the Executive Member for Regeneration.


Councillor Henman in relation to Newbridge Court in Acklam.


The Executive Member confirmed that the units were being let by the Council’s Valuation Services.   The upper level was now fully let but there were still 2 vacant units available within the shopping parade.  Whilst there had been some interest shown, the Council was keen to promote and publicise the vacant units to businesses.  The Executive Member added that this project to regenerate a derelict area demonstrated the Council’s commitment to improving the town.


Question in relation to the Report of the Executive Member for Environment.


Councillor Livingstone in relation to on-going work in Linthorpe Road.


The Executive Member clarified that the Council was continuing to work proactively with the Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) regarding the proposed removal of the Linthorpe Road cycle lane.    As the scheme was externally funded by the Department for Transport, Middlesbrough and the TVCA had to work through required mechanisms to facilitate the removal.  Middlesbrough Council was currently awaiting legal and technical information from TVCA before further progress could be made.  Although not directly involved in discussions, it was the Executive Member’s understanding that waiting for information from the TVCA was unfortunately a common theme in the process.


Questions submitted for the Executive Members for Children’s Services and Regeneration would be emailed for a response.


Questions submitted for the Mayor and Executive Member for Community Safety were withdrawn.


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