Agenda item

The Police and their support towards Children Looked After

Detective Chief Inspector 754 Deb Fenny from Cleveland Police will provide a presentation to the Board.


The Chair welcomed Chief Inspector Deb Fenny from Cleveland Police to the meeting. Although The Chief Inspector had been present at previous meetings of the Board, the Chair had sent some questions prior to the meeting to gather further insight to her role within the Force and with children looked after.


The Chief Inspector answered the following questions:


Please could you provide an overview of your work and your contact areas’.


The Chief Inspector outlined that she was Lead in the Force for child abuse and vulnerable adults across the 4 local authority areas. She also lead a special detective team that dealt with child abuse and lead management of the MACH on the south side.


The Chief Inspectors role also engaged services within the centre of Middlesbrough that support victims of domestic abuse, vulnerable adults and sex offender management unit.

Further to this, the Chief Inspector sits on the Quality and assurance group and Chairs the development and working group for the South side whilst sitting on the equivalent on the North.


The Chief Inspector further added she was the lead in the force for the Encompass project which worked with schools.


How can you support us in our role as corporate parents?


The Chair Inspector had a place on Middlesbrough's Corporate Parenting Board and also sits on other local authorities Boards, Stockton being the main. The Inspector would act as the main conduit for the Police and outlined she would be happy to share learning and initiatives from other local authorities with the Board.

How do you see your role fitting into the wider improvement plan within children’s services? E.g. Partnership working generally, the multi-agency safeguarding arrangements, police powers of protection, development of the MACH, strategy discussion meetings.


In terms of the wider improvement plan, the Chief Inspector outlined that she had oversight of all of the MACH and overseeing the restructuring of the teams resources. This was a large piece of work for the Chief Inspector and the Improvement team, and they had employed an outside agency to look at their capacity and demand on resources to ensure their work was succinct and ensure that the Police work more coherently with partners.


How is your service supporting the Future for Families HUB and wider children looked after work within Middlesbrough?


The Board were made aware that the Police have a present within the HUB, however this was not within the Chief Inspectors remit.


Are you aware of the wider Middlesbrough Children’s matters work?


Lastly, the Chief Inspector advised that she was aware of the work and had been part of strategic and operational meetings. However if there were specific themes and issues which needed to be discussed, she would need further details prior to contributing from a police perspective.


The Chair thanked the Chief Inspector for her contribution and outlined that having a police presence on the Board was essential to ensuring everyone was on the same page for our vulnerable children in Middlesbrough.


There was a brief discussion in relation to language used e.g. child abuse/ child protection, however this was an issue across the Council and work was ongoing to ensure child- friend appropriate language was used.

In terms of the work with neighbouring Local Authorities, the Chair asked whether the Chief Inspector had any top tips on how other authorities Corporate Parenting Board's work with the police. These would be brought back to the future meeting of the Board.



1. That the information be noted
2. That further information on working relationship between the Police and Corporate Parenting Board's in neighbouring authorities be brought back to a future meeting