Schedule – Page 9
Item 1 – 20 Fountain Drive, TS5 7LJ - Page 11
Item 2 – Land at Grey Towers Farm – Page 41
Head of Planning submitted plans deposited as applications to develop land
under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
24/0259/FUL, 20, Fountains Drive, Middlesbrough, TS5 7LJ, erection of 1no.
detached dwelling
were advised that planning permission was sought for the erection of a three
bedroomed, two storey detached dwelling located to the north of 20 Fountains
Drive. Members heard that the proposed
vehicle access and driveway would be located off Sledmere Drive.
Development Control & Building Control Manager advised the Committee that
the application site was a corner plot located at the junction of Fountains
Drive and Sledmere Drive within a predominantly residential area of Acklam. The dwelling design had a double frontage
with the main entrance facing onto Sledmere Drive. The frontage facing Fountains Drive included
a single storey off-shoot. The boundary
treatment would be a 2-metre high close boarded fence set back from the
pavement which would enclose the rear garden boundary along Sledmere Drive.
were informed that the application site was previously granted planning
permission for a detached two storey property in 2012 and for a separate
application for a dormer bungalow on the site in 2015.
heard that a planning application for a two storey dwelling was refused at
Planning Committee in September 2021 on the grounds that the scale, design and
position of the proposed property would have a detrimental impact on the open
character of the area and on the amenity of the adjacent properties contrary to
Local Plan Policy DC1.
were advised that an appeal had been made to the Planning Inspectorate and the
refusal decision was upheld in January 2022.
The Planning Inspector had concluded that by virtue of its scale, bulk,
and almost featureless gable wall the dwelling would be harmful to the
character and appearance of the surrounding area contrary to Policy DC1.
was advised that in October 2023 a planning application for a similar scale and
designed two storey dwelling had been refused at Planning Committee. The sole reason for the reason was that
suitable nutrient neutrality mitigation had not been provided.
Committee heard that the revised design and reduced scale of the proposed
dwelling from the previously refused scheme in 2021 were considered to achieve
a property which was in keeping with the scale, design, and character of the
existing semi-detached two storey properties along Fountain Drive. The Development Control & Building
Control Manager informed the Committee that a revised plan had been received
the day before committee with the removal of one car parking space and the
fence line in line with the side of the property. It was also advised that the applicant had
provisionally secured the required level of nutrient neutrality credits from
Natural England.
Development Control & Building Control Manager stated that 20 objections
had been received highlighting issues with highway matters, amenity, and
characteristics of the area, it was advised that the Planning Inspector had not
raised highways as an issue and Middlesbrough Council Highways Department had
not identified any highways issues with the application.
Member queried the covenant on the site and if this could impact on the
application it was advised that a covenant was not a planning matter.
Development Control and Building Control Manager advised the committee that the
recommendation was to approve the application with conditions and that
permitted development rights could be removed which would take away the ability
to build an extension onto the property without planning permission.
resident addressed the committee and raised the following concerns:
cutting through Fountains Drive to Hall Drive
a house was built it would impact on being able to see what traffic was coming
white lines currently on the road are not dominant.
road is used as a rat run.
junction is not clear.
will be overlooked.
will park on Sledmere Drive.
prefer a bungalow on the site.
cut across onto the other side of the road.
use the area to get to school.
are all bungalows in the area.
Ward Councillor spoke in objection to the application and raised the following
comparisons to other junctions are irrelevant.
Drive is a long street with lots of traffic.
of other properties in the area have low walls.
development is on Sledmere Drive which has 26 properties all of which are
corners have a clear line of sight.
Member queried if the applicant was likely to appeal if permission was not
granted, the Development Control & Building Control Manager stated that the
land had been sold, permissions had lapsed and the new owner had bought the
land and appealed so it would be likely that the owner would appeal again.
ORDERED: that the application
be approved subject to conditions and the removal of permitted development
Land at Grey Towers Farm, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough, variation of Condition 1
(Approved Plans) on application 20/0028/VAR to include the installation of PV
Panels to roof, extraction flue, EV charging points and removal of chimney
(part retrospective)
Councillor Morgan McClintock recused himself from the meeting
were advised that the application site was the new Miller and Carter
restaurant/bar located west of the Poole roundabout.
application sought to vary the approved plans to gain consent retrospectively
for the erection of solar panels on the roof, the removal of a chimney located
on the side elevation of the approved plans and the erection of a flue. Permission was also sought for electric
vehicle charging points in the car park with associated works.
were advised that following consultation objections had been received from 2
residents, the Parish Council and the Ward Councillor. The objections related to the appearance of
the proposed flue and the impact on residents from odours.
was advised that the proposed development did not have a detrimental impact on
the design quality of the building or it’s
surrounding car park and landscaped setting.
The changes did not result in significant harm to the visual amenity of
the area or harm the character and appearance of the conservation area nor did
they result in harm to the amenities of nearby residential properties. Members were advised that the flue had been
painted black to soften the appearance, the flue does exceed what was previously
approved however it complies with Defra guidelines and would extract 90% of
Agent for Miller and Carter addressed the Committee and apologised for not
including these additional elements on the previous planning application. He assured the Committee that the flue and
solar panels would not have a detrimental impact on the site.
Ward Councillor addressed the Committee and stated that the Nunthorpe community
welcomed the apology from Miller and Carter regarding the retrospective
application. Residents were concerned
about the appearance of the flue but were satisfied with the appearance now it
had been painted black. The Ward
Councillor requested that the flue be continuously maintained with the black
the application be approved with the condition that the flue would be black in
Councillor Morgan McClintock rejoined the meeting.
Supporting documents: