The Vice Chair informed Council that although the Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Education and Culture had submitted apologies for tonight’s meeting, Cllr Storey had asked her to share the fantastic news that Year 5 pupils at Kader Academy had won 1st and 2nd place in the National Times Table Rockstar Competition. This information was received after the agenda publication for this meeting therefore it was not included in the Executive Member’s report. On behalf of Council, the Vice Chair expressed congratulations to all involved at Kader Academy on this brilliant achievement.
Questions in relation to the Report of the Executive
Member for Environment and Sustainability.
Councillor Clynch in relation to progress on flood prevention.
The Executive Member stated that despite the significant number of storm events in the last few years there had actually been a reduction in flooding occurring in many areas including Hall Drive, Newport Road and Mount Pleasant Way. Recent additions to the Council’s fleet would help mitigate future flood risks and included two gulley suckers and two new compact sweepers. Further investment in tree maintenance, hedge and shrub maintenance and an increased area care budget would also contribute to the prevention of flooding.
Councillor Hubbard in relation to policy proposals to protect green spaces.
The Executive Member agreed to liaise with the Director of Environment to ensure the issued raised in relation to uncollected bins and bonfire debris were addressed as quickly as possible.
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