ORDERED That Executive approve removal the scheme.
The Executive Member for Environment and Sustainability submitted a report for Executive consideration.
The purpose of the report sought Executive direction following the acceptance of the design submitted and approved on the current Linthorpe Road cycle lane in December 2024.
The cycleway was completed and became operational in September 2022. The project was funded by Department for Transport (DfT) and delivered locally by Middlesbrough Council and Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA).
The project was part of a wider, regional delivery programme of sustainable transport Projects and was delivered under the ‘Local Walking and Cycling Implementation Plan’ (LCWIP) which was introduced at a national level by the Department for Transport and supported by Active Travel England (ATE).
The project was approved by the Executive in January 2021, with a consultation exercise led by TVCA. The consultation highlighted concerns from some businesses and the scheme was amended to accommodate those views and concerns which were integrated into the final approval. This resulted in retention of car parking spaces on the carriageway, and the creation of additional spaces on Woodlands Road.
Post-implementation, concerns were highlighted regarding safety of pedestrians crossing at non-designated crossing points. As a result, further adaptations to the scheme were implemented to address safety concerns and implemented after agreement with the Council’s insurer.
Since the installation of the cycle lane, travel data collected showed a 48% increase in cycling and a 9% reduction in cycling related accidents.
Removal of the cycle lane was identified as a political priority for the Town Centre in early 2023 and again in 2024, due to concerns from local businesses.
A proposal (with a majority support from public consultation) to remove the cycle lane and reinstate to its previous alignment was submitted by TVCA. The Council approved the submitted plan in December 2024.
A Member commented that, during initial consultation, some local businesses had objected to the installation of the scheme and voiced their concerns.
The Mayor commented that he had been dealing with this issue since he was a ward Councillor and that the scheme had remained half finished and there was a need to look at potential schemes in other areas.
There were to two options submitted as part of the
Retain the scheme
Based on data collected by VivaCity
traffic count cameras post-implementation of the cycle lane, removal of the
cycle lane may have resulted in increased accidents and injuries witnessed.
The usage data indicated the cycle lane had contributed
to not only reducing the number of accidents, but significantly increased the
number of cyclists simultaneously.
The cycle lane had led to an increase in the number of
all highway users, which could lead to natural surveillance;
assisting in reduction of actual/perceived crime and anti-social behaviour.
The significant increase in cycling along the corridor
had not correlated with an increase in accidents.
The proposed area for phase two of Linthorpe
Road had witnessed a significant decline in all modes of transport and the area
had seen the percentage share of all accidents involving cyclists rise from 0%
to 11%.
Maintaining positive relationship with Active Travel
England (ATE), which demonstrated regional commitment to City Regional
Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) programme, which was to see over £300m
spent up to 2027.
The cycle lane assisted in supporting sustainable
transport choices, which was assisting the Council’s green strategy. It further
supported social mobility, which was a key component for increasing economic
activity for the surrounding area, which had typically low car ownership per
Remove the scheme
Following public consultation by TVCA, with the majority of responses in favour of removal and reinstate
previous alignment; the Executive approved a TVCA proposed design for the
reinstatement of Linthorpe Road.
TVCA commissioned a Road Safety Audit (RSA) into their
approved design, which stated that the proposed return to original alignment
did not pose safety issues.
TVCA submitted a business case and associated funding
agreement to remove the scheme, at no cost to the Council.
That Executive approve removal the scheme.
The reasons for the decision were outlined in the options
section of the report.
Supporting documents: