The Head of Strategy, Business and Customer provided an overview of the report, Corporate Performance at Quarter Two 2024/2025 that was submitted to Executive on 4 December 2024. As part of that overview, Members attention was drawn to the trends and analysis contained in the report and the recommendations that had been approved by Executive.
At the end of the overview the Head of Business, Strategy and Customer invited questions from the Board.
A Member drew the Board’s attention to page 16 of the agenda pack, with specific reference to the disposal of land at Hemlington Grange West. The Member wished it recorded they were not satisfied with the language contained in the report on this matter as the issue had been long running without any resolution. It was pointed out the issue in question was included in the report to demonstrate a reduced capacity within the service.
It was agreed that the Director of Regeneration would be approached for an update on land disposal at Hemlington Grange West.
Regarding Freedom of Information data, it was queried when this was likely to be back on track. It was clarified that monthly updates were submitted to LMT as part of the Council’s performance management regime. Following a discussion about enquiries submitted via the Councillor Gateway system and those via the Freedom of Information process, it was commented that a degree of re-education may be required to clarify what constituted a Freedom of Information request versus what should be a Councillor Gateway enquiry.
In terms of live actions being on target, a Member commented there had been a slight drop in performance between Quarter one and Quarter two, from 68% to 67% respectively. It was commented this could be attributed to how actions were framed in Executive reports. There was a need to make Executive actions SMARTer and to examine how those actions were recorded on Modern.Gov as well as delivering report writing training.
A Member commented that in Appendix two of the report there seemed to be a significant amount of G rated actions, which indicated those actions were on track. It was clarified the G rating was progress against the respective project milestone and that actions can be on track and not yet completed. Members suggested there was conflicting messaging from the service areas as some initiatives seemed to be underperforming. The Head of Strategy, Business and Customer stated the increase in G categories was largely due to those actions due to complete by the end of the Council Plan period.
Paragraphs 28 and 29 of the report discussed risks associated with threats to social cohesion and how there was work to reduce the spread of misinformation. A Member commented that if Community Councils were adequately funded, they could help with this work. Members discussed the nature of Community Council funding, including how only active Community Council received funding. It was highlighted that actions designed to address threats to social cohesion were detailed at paragraph 29 of the report.
A Member queried if relevant Ward Members would have input to how the Community Recovery Fund would be spent. It was agreed clarification would be sought about how Ward Members could provide input into how the recovery fund was spent.
A Member drew the Board’s attention to page 19 of the report and observed the risk associated with Children’s Services was high. It was commented that risks associated with Children’s Services, which were detailed in Appendix three, were associated with the volume of the risks.
Members returned to the issue of Freedom of Information submissions and information requests placed on the Councillor Gateway system. It was debated that Councillors should have access to information without the need to submit a Freedom of Information request.
1. The Director of Regeneration provide an update regarding the disposal of land at Hemlington Grange West.
2. Clarification be sought about how Ward Members could provide input into how the Community Recovery Fund was spent.
3. The information presented be noted.
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